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[CQ-Contest] HST results?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] HST results?
From: contest@pc4a.kernspur.uni-kiel.de (df4pa)
Date: Thu Oct 30 11:08:47 1997
On Tue, 28 Oct 1997, Barry Kutner wrote:

> Are the results of the recent High Speed Telegraphy Competition in 
> Bulgaria posted anywhere on the 'net? Tnx/Barry
> --
> Barry Kutner, W2UP                            Internet: w2up@itw.com
> Newtown, PA                                   Frankford Radio Club

You should keep an eye on PA3BWK's superb web page on CW for further
development. He does some advertising there for HST World Championships
and maybe he'll publish the results. At the moment I can only help you
and the interested audience to paper copies of the results via snail mail.

Mark, DF4PA.

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