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[CQ-Contest] T N T

Subject: [CQ-Contest] T N T
From: kk7gw@hotmail.com (David Jones)
Date: Thu Apr 2 20:13:19 1998
>oooooooooooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeee
>thems fightin' words.........Ty?
>I kinda hope the rules are changed so I can watch the shootout!  
>Ty versus Trey, T N T
>Will the KO punch outdo that Microphone Magic?

Hmm...now we need to change the WRTC to a annual 24 hour SOAB shootout!  
As I admire both N5KO and K3MM (and the whole host of others on the 
reflector) I'd love to see this!  Meebe 20 years from now when I'm in my 
mid thirties and all of you are Old Farts (tm), I can actually beat one 
of you Big Guns!  


David Jones, KK7GW   

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