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[CQ-Contest] The Colorado Gold Rush Contest

Subject: [CQ-Contest] The Colorado Gold Rush Contest
From: jmedley@ix.netcom.com (J. Medley)
Date: Fri Jun 19 00:04:56 1998
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

                      The Great Colorado Gold Rush
                        (a.k.a. Fire In The Hole)
                   Sponsored by the Colorado QRP Club

It was Colorado, 1859. A land swindler had just published the first issue of 
the Rocky Mountain News in the settlement that would become Denver. A year 
earlier, small placer gold deposits were found in that old settlement, near 
the confluence of the South Platte River and Cherry Creek. And then came the 
big gold strikes! George Jackson discovered gold in Chicago Creek near Idaho 
Springs. John Gregory made his famous gold strike not far away, in Clear Creek
Canyon. Prospectors dreaming of riches poured into the new gold camps of 
Central City, Black Hawk, Boulder, Colorado City, Gold Hill, Hamilton, 
Tarryall, and Pueblo. The fever ran high. The Great Colorado Gold Rush had 

Not even a century and a half later, the rush is on again. This time it's the 
rush to work all states, to join the ranks of DXCC, the desire to sound like a
kilowatt but driven only by milliwatts - truly to rush to achieve the 

In honor of our state's colorful history and exciting future, the Colorado QRP
Club proudly announces The Great Colorado Gold Rush. This will be a QRP amateur 
radio contest of unparalleled magnitude, of incredible dimensions, of such 
unbelievable proportions that---well, it's really just a summer sprint. Two 
fast hours of heavy hitting. Do your best. Have fun, and good luck in the 

When:           Sunday, July 19, 1998

Time:           2000-2200 UTC

Band:           20 meters only

Mode:           CW only

Power:          5W maximum

Classes:        W --    WIRE:  single element wire; including dipoles, random
                        wires, Zepp, doublets, inverted V, slopers, single 
                        element beams, single element loops, inverted L, etc.

                V --    VERTICAL:  verticals; including single element, ground 
                        plane, trapped vertical, or anything with vertical 
                        polarization and omnidirectional pattern.

                B --    BEAM: multi-element arrays/beams; including beams, 
                        multi-element loops, phased verticals, V-beam, rhombic,

                P --    PORTABLE: non-mobile temporary field station; may use 
                        any type of antenna.

        If you are not sure about your antenna class, send us a description 
        ASAP (via E-mail to n1fn@mtechnologies.com or jmedley@ix.netcom.com).

        Operations may be conducted with different antennas provided all 
        antennas are in the same class.

Exchange:       RST + SPC + Class + CQC Member # or Pwr Out

                Example:  559  CO  V 345  -or-  559  CT  P 5W

Multiple contacts:      the same station may be worked up to three times during
                        the contest, provided a minimum of 30 minutes has 
                        elapsed since the last QSO with the same station.

Scoring:        3 points for first contact with a station.
                2 points for second contact with the same station.
                1 point for third contact with the same station.

Multipliers:    all multipliers count once over all. Multipliers are SPC's and
                CQC members worked.

Final Score:    QSO Points x SPC x CQC Members = Total Score

Logs:   Submit logs showing time, callsign, exchange and QSO points for each 
        station worked, show totals of multiplier points. Example:

                Time    Call    SPC     Ant     Mem#/Pwr        Pts
                2005    W0CQC   CO      V       132             3
                2012    N1FN    CT      W       151             3
                2036    W0CQC   CO      V       132             2
                2037    KA8OM   MI      P       5W              3
                2115    W0CQC   CO      V       132             1
                Totals           3                2            12   etc.

               Dupes:    W0CQC - 2005 2036 2115
               SPC:      CO  CT  MI
               CQC#:     132  151

        Please include an alphabetical dupe sheet showing times and 
        calls of multiple contact stations, SPC's and CQC Member numbers. 
        Also include a description of your equipment, antenna(s) used, and 
        power output. All submissions must indicate entry class and your 
        mailing address including e-mail address if available.

Deadline:       Logs must be postmarked or emailed no later than 30 days post 
                contest. Logs received after this deadline will be used as 
                check logs only.

                        Mail:   CQC Gold Rush
                                c/o Jan Medley, N0QT
                                5770 Niagara St.
                                Commerce City CO 80022-4030

                        E-mail:  jmedley@ix.netcom.com
                        (all E-mail submissions in ASCII format only)

CQC will post a list of received logs on its web site at:

Awards:         Awards will be given for the highest score in each class
                and the highest score in each state.


CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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