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[CQ-Contest] Copy of: Shack power

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Copy of: Shack power
From: 107770.3462@compuserve.com (James P. Cassidy)
Date: Tue Mar 16 02:05:55 1999
From:   James P. Cassidy, 107770,3462
TO:     CONTEST REFLECTOR, INTERNET:cq-contest@contesting.com
DATE:   3/15/99 7:52 PM

RE:     Copy of: Shack power

The installation of additonal power wiring, and the assurance that its done
correctly, can be maintained by obtaining the required electrical permit
and subsequent sign off by the electrical inspector.  With the signed off
inspection it is relatively safe to assume that there would not be any
future problems with either the installation of the insurance coverage on
In most jurisdictions the home owner is allowed to do his own work as long
as it meets the local code.  The National Electric Code is not the final
answer, many local jurisdictions have their own set of standards based on
the NEC.
In some instances the local inspectors can be helpful with their advice, I
have heard of others that are not as friendly with work installed by
non-licensed people.
73 Jim KI7Y

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