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[CQ-Contest] RadioSwap

Subject: [CQ-Contest] RadioSwap
From: w4an@contesting.com (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Sat Apr 3 12:57:06 1999
I'de like to invite you all to check out some changes to the RadioSwap
application at www.contesting.com.  You can buy, sell, trade, and place WTB
items there for free.  I've also added the ability for you to receive new
postings via email for -A- particular category.  Say you are looking for
some tower, then you could just add yourself and whenever a post is made to
the TOWER category, you would get an email.

I'm interested in feedback you have for improving the application.  I hope
it's useful.


Bill Fisher, W4AN

Bill Fisher, W4AN (EX KM9P)

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