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[CQ-Contest] IARU HF Rules and Assisted stations ?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] IARU HF Rules and Assisted stations ?
From: gord@kron.donetsk.ua (Vladimir A. Gordienko)
Date: Tue Jul 13 18:27:34 1999
Hello fellows,
As I understand, according to the "IARU HF Championship Rules 1999"
(available on http://www.iaru.org) paragraph 4.1.5. "Use of spotting
nets is not permitted" and also paragraph 6.2 "...use of...telephone
...inconsistent with the spirit and intent..." - no one can use any
Internet DX-cluster assistance.
However, there are many stations on "3830" declared that they used the
So, is that violation of the Rules, I wonder ?
73, Bob

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