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[CQ-Contest] 1999 CW WAE Summary #4

Subject: [CQ-Contest] 1999 CW WAE Summary #4
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Thu Aug 19 05:12:55 1999
1999 CW WAE Summary #4

Thanks to WA7BNM Contest Page for Logging Info
Logs Due By: September 15, 1999

e-mail: waedc@darc.de

Mail: WAEDC Contest Committee
      Duererring 7, P.O. Box 11 26
      D-74370 Sersheim


Thank you all (too numerous to mention <g>) for
correcting my geography last time through.
73, dink

 Call           Pwr   Score  QSOs  QTCs  Mults  Cty
 C4A   (5B4ADA)HP 2,201,100  2176  2174   506   195     NCG   
 VE3EJ (UT4UZ) HP 1,554,243  1717  1715   453   182           
 UA9CDC        HP 1,218,410  1373  1370         168     UCG   
 UP4L   (UN7LZ)HP 1,067,230  1307  1296   410   157           
 W4MYA         HP 1,061,613  1442  1438   369   157     ASSISTED
 AA3B           HP  959,300  1325  1325   362   154     FRC   
 UP6F (UN7FZ)   HP  929,760  1204  1180   390   159     WSDXC 
 N4AF           HP  862,755  1275  1270         135     PVRC  
 UP0F (UN7FK)   LP  860,250  1162  1132   375   148           
 K9GY @K3ZO     HP  857,265  1288  1200         141           

 UP6P (UN6P)    HP  830,584  1109  1100   376   150           
 K3WW           HP  684,070  1029  1013   335   140           
 N4BP           LP  628,055  1067  1062   295   131     FCG   
 AA8U           HP  619,305  1086  1087   285                 
 AD6DO @W6BA    HP  574,040  1130  1130   254           SCCC  
 W6EEN (N6RT)   HP  540,345  1060  1059   255   114     SCCC  
 W1MK           HP  528,264   831   825         128     YCCC  
 K1AO           HP  420,084   835   832         110     TCG   
 VE9DX          LP  240,759   499   500   241                 
 K2SX           HP  220,500   526   524   210                 

 PY2NY          LP  208,236   469   469   222   102     TuPY  
 PY1KS          LP  197,820   551   548   180    85           
 WO4O           HP  184,690   265   265          62     TCG   
 K4XU/7         LP  184,690   269   275          51           
 UA4LU          LP  161,492   335   524   188    80           
 N5ZK  (W5ASP)  HP  148,148   521   515   143                 
 WA4TT          HP  137,340   316   314          96     SECC  
 VE3RZ          HP  116,564   323   322   181    81           
 KT0R           HP  114,374   345   344          74     ASSISTED
 W7CT           HP   79,380   294   294          65           

 K9TR           HP   73,220   267   256          65           
 N6ZZ           HP   73,128   284   270          66           
 K0EJ           LP   64,970   226   219    67   146     TCG   
 W7GG           HP   51,681   243   240          50           
 PT2AW          LP   33,740   242   242    70    35     TuPY  
 VE5CPU         LP   28,152   140   137   102    48     Regina ARA
 W7WHY          LP    3,204    45    44    36    18           

 Call           Pwr   Score  QSOs  QTCs  Mults  Cty
 JY9QJ         HP 2,465,738  2442  2431   506   195     BCC   JY9QJ, JY8YB
 UN4L          HP 1,647,150  1740  1736   474   182
 JE4VVM        HP 1,123,536  1585  1571   356   153     JE4VVM,JG4CLV,JN4FEU
 KL7G           HP  634,608  1601  1450         104     SCRC  KL7HF, WL7KY,

 Call           Pwr   Score  QSOs  QTCs  Mults  Cty
 LY2BTA         HP  873,288   936  1863         129           
 LY5W  (LY1DR)  HP  601,290   680  1547   109           LDXG  
 LY2CY          HP  494,802   709  1442   231                 
 S56A           HP  418,564   637   919   269                 
 RA3CW          LP  295,106   422   957   214    86     MCC   
 F6IFY          HP  255,168   430   899   192                 
 RW3GU          HP  184,690   341   924          62           
 DL1CW          LP  126,015   302   511   155    70     DARC  
 LY1DD          LP   84,096   281   595          43           
 GW3NJW         LP   83,314   259   282          66           

Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
Kent, WA

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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