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[CQ-Contest] The Role of the ARRL CAC

Subject: [CQ-Contest] The Role of the ARRL CAC
From: k8cc@ix.netcom.com (David A. Pruett)
Date: Mon Aug 2 00:54:48 1999
Speaking as the Great Lakes Division representative on the CAC, I'd like to
point out:

- The CAC does not make rules.
- The CAC is *sometimes* invited to express an opinion on a rule, but not
- When the CAC offers an unsolicited opinion, it is not received favorably.
- The ARRL Board of Directors makes the contest rules.

As a CAC member, do I like it this way?  Nope - I always figured the CAC
existed to make rules.

However, its the ARRL's prerogative to conduct its contests as they see
fit.  There are constraints they have to operate under that none of the
contest community are aware of.  I have a lot of faith that K5FUV and crew
will do the best they can.  You and I might not like it, but I for one
respect their efforts.

As for the SS rules changes, I can have NA fixed up in a short time since
(I think) all it is are some new precedences which need to be added to
A/B/Q.  I'll bet N6TR and K1EA will too.

However, the users of the software need to be up to date too, so be sure
you're current with your provider so that you can get a new version when
its time. And PLEASE, don't wait until the day before SS CW to get it, in
case you get a bad disk or download.



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