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[CQ-Contest] New Grid Square Contest rules?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] New Grid Square Contest rules?
From: aa8u@modempool.com (Bruce Lallathin)
Date: Thu Aug 26 01:20:58 1999
I'm with you Bob. 

At 06:33 PM 8/25/99 -0700, you wrote:

>IMHO here are the two format's that I think might be best:
>24 hour Mixed mode format  SOAB HP, LP & QRP, unassisted or packet

Single Band too please......

Maybe a part time class too, say 12 Hours max op time.....liberal time off
provistions too. Make it real easy for everyone to get involved some.

>Work everyone once per band mode 10-160
>CW and SSB qso's count the same

Mixed mode like ARRL 10M is really fun and challenging......I like it!

>Score = are gridsq - gridsq distance (pts) x # of gridsquares (mult)
>(I like this best)

I like the mult stuff too.

>Score = gridsq - gridsq points (like Stew Perry)
>I strongly believe that we should go with the first scoring format AND
>have a multiplier for the low bands as follows:
>40 meters  grids * 1.25
>80 meters  grids * 1.5
>160 meters grids * 2.0

This is one place I have to strongly agree too....

>This will really get the low bands humming, increase all-band activity
>and really challenge the operators to be everywhere at once (Isn't that
>the whole idea?) 
>Now if you really want to make this a wild operating event (I'm getting
>excited thinking about it) then let's add a SO Unlimited category where
>SO ops can operate M/M with multiple txmitters and packet.  

I don't have a clue what this is....mult sigs at once on several bands at

This would
>cause q-rates and scores to explode and make a lot more q's for everyone
>which of course would encourage still more people to operate longer and
>increase activity even more.

>I can hear some heads shaking now 

Let the head shakers go bowling that weekend...hi

QTC's are fun and mixed mode would really make it interesting...ever try WAE?

at the last suggestion but WHY NOT
>have an "all-out" category for those who just want to have a wild time? 
>There ought to be at least one contest where this is allowed!  Why not
>make it this one?
>I hope that your club is as psyched as I am.
>Bob KQ2M

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