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[CQ-Contest] ARRL Proposals

Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL Proposals
From: k9zm@frontiernet.net (Greg Gobleman)
Date: Fri Aug 27 09:49:04 1999
> >How do you compute distance between Grid Squares without a computer?
Well, I must add that simply computing Grid Squares isn't the easiest thing
to do.  I have my logging program, Hyperlog and 2 different internet sites
that I have tried and have yet to convince myself that any of them are
correct.  I was attempting to help someone with a request on what grid a
station they are QSL manager for was in.  We rough calculated QI73.  Not
bad, we both came up with the same thing for a few minutes work.  However,
in an effort to be sure, the station got his hands on a GPS unit.  We now
have 06.13.7S & 155.33.73E   Hyperlog says this is QI73pu.  The ARRL website
and another say this is QI73ss.  The ARRL website goes on to say to not
confuse degrees with decimal degrees!  HUH?  So I read this as 06 degrees 13
minutes 7 seconds South by 155 degrees 33 minutes 73 seconds East.  When I
go to a map, QI73ss isn't on land, it's just off the beach at Bougainville.
So I have a GPS readout and still don't know the Grid Square for sure.  OH,
yeah, QI73 is accurate enough for most people.  But what if we were trying
to calculate someone on the edge of 2 grids?

This whole Grid Square contest thing is going to be a mess trying to explain
to the average Joe Ham who is willing to give u a contact if u will tell him
what u need from him.

Greg K9ZM

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