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[CQ-Contest] Stew (and categories)

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Stew (and categories)
From: hwardsil@WOLFENET.com (Ward Silver)
Date: Mon Dec 20 07:17:50 1999
> I will second (and third that), the whole premise is against the logic of 
> competition - pushing the envelope, striving for max. It is like having Indy 
> 500 admitting bicycles and skateboards, giving them multiplier of 50 and 100 
> resp. Listing the scores together and making the QRPer win the contest, 
> taking free ride on them high and low power guys is contrary to the spirit of 
> competition. (Or should we all enter as QRPers and have "fun"?)
> etc.

Yuri - QRP category is a completely different set of skills and methods.
Don't assume it's just a panty-waist category for fellows that wouldn't be
competitive in a "real" category.  Try it and see how you do.

Sometimes an amplifier is just an amplfier.

73, Ward N0AX

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