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[CQ-Contest] boom mike

Subject: [CQ-Contest] boom mike
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L Martin)
Date: Wed Jan 24 00:11:09 2001
 > There's another solution to the "homebrew
 > headphone/boom mike" question that I have employed for
 > a number of years.  Use the desk mic from your HF rig
 > placed on a boom stand set off to the side of the rigs
 > or coming out from behind the equipment.  Then just
 > use your headphones as is.   'Split' microphone boom
 > stands are commonly available, cheap, from your local
 > Guitar Center or via the Internet.  Try www.carvin.com
 > (Carvin, Inc., San Diego, Ca.) and look at models MS11
 > @ $22.99, MB9 @ $14.99 and MS13 @ $29.99.

The few times I ever operate a phone contest from home don't cause me to be
too concerned about the efficiency of my microphone setup.  In the past I
have used Telex boom mic/headsets and Heil boom mic/headsets.  The first was
somewhat heavy after about 16 hours of operating; the other just didn't seem
to work well at all for me.

What I did find fun to put together was some duct tape, my Nikon camera neck
strap and my Ten-Tec desk mic.   Putting them all together, I then hung it
such that the mic base was resting on my chest.  Of course, I still had to
'speak to the mic,' but it was where my head was pointing while looking at
my computer monitor (mounted under the desktop).  Actually, I found that
pretty comfortable.

When the contest was over, I removed the duct tape, put the camera neck
strap back on the Nikon, and the desk mic went back to it's position up on
the top shelf and out of the way.

dale, kg5u


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