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[CQ-Contest] Russian DX Contest

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Russian DX Contest
From: wl7ky@gci.net (Chris Hurlbut)
Date: Mon May 21 17:07:21 2001
Hi All,
When I arrived home from school a few days ago I had a beautiful plaque =
from the Russian DX Contest waiting for me for #1 NA CW.  Also included =
was a beautiful certificate and a nice booklet with all the scores and =
next years rules.=20
I'd like to thank the RDXC committee for an excellent event and prompt =
delivery of the awards.  If you have never done this contest, it's a lot =
of fun.  I hope to see everyone in the next one!
-Chris KL9A
People said I couldn't do it.  But I did it.

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