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[CQ-Contest] What Radio? / SO2R

Subject: [CQ-Contest] What Radio? / SO2R
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L Martin)
Date: Thu May 24 15:49:55 2001
 > In my mind, if your contesting you shouldn't be twiddling a bunch of
 > knobs that you find on the high end radios.  It seems to me that your
 > fingers should be doing one of two things, either logging calls while
 > running stations or twisting the vfo during search and pounce.

I agree....

That's why I bought a used Omni VI.  Now, with my remote vfo knob (Ten-Tec
Model 301) placed at the right end of my keyboard and an A/B switch
installed and the 301 wired to both radios, I can use the vfo of either
radio without reaching above desktop level (kb is on a kb drawer-tray under
the desktop).  For band changing, I use the keyboard.  Once set up, I rarely
have to adjust audio or bpf or filters.

Works really cool.

dale, kg5u

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