>From a most-of-the-time-little-pistol-in-the-Black-Hole perspective:
IL QSO Party: Hey, I'm biased. We get to be "DX" for 8 hours. Oct 20, 2002
SS CW: can't shake the attachment to traffic handling and old friends that
show up
ARRL 160: a low power station with simple antennas can win from the Black
NAQP CW: great low-power gig and good practice at passing mults
ARRL CW: non-stop, even for a low power station
CQ WW CW: same as above, but the DX is working DX, too.
ARRL 10: interesting even in low sunspot years
NAQP SSB: fun to pass mults and work on 6-band WAS
ARRL SSB: the only phone DX test I really enjoy
Cal QSO Party: lots of action, point the beam west and play
73, Jim N9JF