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[CQ-Contest] Popkin-Grams lurk!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Popkin-Grams lurk!
From: k3ft@erols.com (Chuck K3FT)
Date: Sat Mar 30 21:57:20 2002
I just got back from a surprisingly enjoyable (due to lack of QRN and 
accompanying brain 
fuzz) session on 15/10M! Due to family acitvities , I'll not be able to finish 
the WPX 
on Sunday (DARN!) but at least I helped the cause and gave a few WR3 mults to 

Anyway!  Since a previous guy mentioned Popkin-grams, I thought this might be 
interest. I noted, early on in the contest, that W2CC spotted OD5/OK1MU at 
21448 (I 
believe) and made the comment that 'I'm licking my stamps! ;-)'

I have to wonder.. given the history he has.. was he doing it to WARN us NOT to 
work the 
guy cuz of the proximity to the upper band edge OR was he telling us about the 
mult so 
we WOULD work the guy and he could then enjoy sending out another boatload of 
'grams?  I 
don't know.

If you were one of then many that worked the OD1 then you may just be graced by 
Popkin-Gram! If so.. fret not. Frame it and consider it as your membership card 
to an 
elite group. I don't know what rights and perogatives you can acquire from 
having one.. 
but they are unique, none the less! :-) 

Anyway.. sure heard a lot of familiar calls from this reflector on the air and 
abuch from WR3L. Great to hear you all!


Chuck K3FT

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