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SO2R in SS... was [CQ-Contest] Pileup Management

Subject: SO2R in SS... was [CQ-Contest] Pileup Management
From: n4zr@contesting.com (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed Nov 6 11:02:51 2002
At 07:31 AM 11/6/02 -0500, Cqtestk4xs@aol.com wrote:
>The main reason it is an SO2R contest is that you start to run out of guys
>the second day.  In the last SSB SS my second radio was good for around
>100-150 qsos.  Maybe I would have worked them anyway.  Who knows.  I
>certainly am not talented enough on Saturday when I am running 120 per hour
>to use a second radio, but it sure makes a big difference on Sunday.

Or maybe to put it another way, the way to make SS Sundays relatively 
productive and enjoyable is to have one radio running at all times and then 
S&P like crazy, because there are people who only come on to call CQ, and 
others who only come on to S&P.  I didn't follow my own advice on Sunday 
afternoon, and the score shows it.

Then there are all the cases of serendipitous missing each other that go 
on.  For example K7BG was my 1080; I was his 1175.  I had been really 
sweating MT until just shortly before because we'd obviously been on 
different bands or CQing at the same times or somethin'.

73, Pete N4ZR
Sometimes a tower is just a tower

>From Ward Silver" <hwardsil@centurytel.net  Wed Nov  6 16:19:18 2002
From: Ward Silver" <hwardsil@centurytel.net (Ward Silver)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Call Me Mr. Guilty
Message-ID: <058301c285b0$433ffb00$27d7fea9@mirage>

After reading yesterday's "Rate Sheet", CW enthusiasts may have had a =
momentary vision of Utopia with the Rate Sheet reporting a second CW =
version of both Sweepstakes and WAE.  Sorry for the false euphoria, =
folks.  Phone enthusiasts will now suspect me of being a closet CW =
elitist bent on world mode domination.  Well, maybe :-)

I would love to blame my egregious error on some obscure Microsoft bug, =
but it was due purely to editorial inattention during cut-and-paste =
operations - better known as "My Fault!"


1) Nov 9-10 is the RTTY weekend for WAE - not CW.
2) It's PHONE Sweepstakes on the 16th and 17th - not CW.

Apologies to all!

73, Ward N0AX
Editor, "Contester's Rate Sheet"

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