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[CQ-Contest] Re: [FCG] IRC's sought by Florida Contest Group in 2004

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [FCG] IRC's sought by Florida Contest Group in 2004
From: edkn4y@infionline.net (Edward)
Date: Fri May 2 10:57:03 2003
It should be mandatory that the writer has written for MAD magazine.

On Thu, 01 May 2003 20:40:24 -0400, Jim White, K4OJ <k4oj@tampabay.rr.com> 

> The Florida Contest Group is seeking individuals that have the following 
> credentials for Imbedded Radio Correspondents.
> Applicants should have experience in freelance writing for such journals 
> as QST, CQ or NCJ... Applicants should also be familiar with the basics 
> of military cadence, i.e.:
> "Went down South with the FCG, I'm a gonna be in the FQP"
> The ideal IRC would be the assisting driver for a single op mobile 
> entrant in the Florida QSO Party.  The imbed would then be allowed to 
> chronicle the operation as well as assist the operator by relieving him 
> of driving responsibilities.  This would be a great assistant to the 
> operator say, vs. his spouse, who perhaps might park at a large shopping 
> mall resulting in the operator being trapped in a given county for so 
> long his QSO rates plummet.
> Imbeds would be contacted via cell phone during the Florida QSO Party by 
> FCG Centcom Operations Commander Danny Street for updates as to how the 
> operator was doing and overall rates and propagation tendencies.  Note: 
> Imbeds would not be able to divulge the operators strategic moves or 
> location for fear of compromising the operators assault on a record 
> score.
> The Gulf Coast Contest Theater has varying terrain and climate - during 
> the month of April the climate should be favorable to a rapid assault on 
> the highways.  Occasional rough WX can lead to mid-course re-routing of 
> the operation although adhering to their individual itinerary as 
> published on http://www.floridaqsoparty.org is encouraged.  The FCG makes 
> no claim as to the accuracy of these itineraries and denies any 
> manipulation of them for potential misdirection or disinformation of 
> competitors.
> A wide range of vehicles are typically employed and the IRC should be 
> familiar with Hummers, Love Bugs and SUVs. Some IRC's may have to go off 
> the paved road in Southwestern Regions of the FQP Theater.
> It is thought that after successful completion of the FQP these IRCs 
> along with the Operators will be met with welcoming greetings from the 
> contest community - shocked and awed at the contest operating skills 
> showcased thanks in part by these Imbedded Radio Correspondents. 
> Commander Danny Street reminds us they should exercise caution as in 
> Florida there are always potential appearances by Militant Geritol Net 
> Assassins.
> If you are looking for more than a weekend drive, and wish to apply for a 
> position as an Imbedded Radio Correspondent there will be recruiters at 
> the upcoming Dayton Hamvention eager to hear from you.  They can be 
> spotted easily on Saturday by their Orange Jerseys and they will be 
> manning a table at the Crown Plaza in downtown Dayton on the second floor 
> coincidental with the Contesters Banquet.
> Imbedded Radio Correspondent, its not a job its an adventure!
> Well, maggot, think you can cut it?
> FCG - Be All You Can Be
> K4OJ
> Rate meters at two oh three,
> Bring it on baby F Q P.
> Aint changin bands not at this rate.
> Its the wood I want so get this straight.
> Don't call CQ cause there is no need
> Linin' up  1 2 3 in the FQP
> Don't need no nets, lists or MCs
> I'm runnin 'em in the FQP
> HAE says SSB?
> I'll QSY for that mult baby
> Here comes Hal he's QRQ
> Crank it up NN just for you
> 8MJ is callin CQ
> He wants those Qs from you know who.
> Florida is the place they say
> To make big rates in your Chevrolet.
> There's Vic and Dan their runnin hot
> 20 and 40 is all they got
> _______________________________________________
> The Florida Contest Group:    http://www.qsl.net/fcg/ or 
> http://www.fcg.club
> Post your scores: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
> Contest Buddy Program:
> http://www.letchforddesign.com/elmer/
> FCG@mailman.qth.net
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/fcg

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