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Re: [CQ-Contest] NA Sprint RTTY Log Check Report Analysis

To: rtty@contesting.com, CQ-Contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NA Sprint RTTY Log Check Report Analysis
From: Aldewey@aol.com
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 23:25:00 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I notice that your Q with me was one that did not show up in my log so it  
made me curious.  I checked my log and found the following Q:
0232 K0AD         76  AL         MN   W7OM         75  DAVID      NJ 
Apparently what must have happened is that I had your call correct  when my 
exchange was sent but somehow I must have clicked again and brought  in the 
wrong call before it got logged.   This was my first RTTY  Sprint with N1MM 
and I can see that I fumbled a couple times.  Sorry to  cost you the Q but 
it did alert me that I need to be more careful with the call  stack.
Al, K0AD
In a message dated 10/28/2010 10:06:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
david@levinecentral.com writes:

I  received (within minutes of requesting it!) my NA Sprint RTTY Log  Check
Report for the contest earlier this month. Without going into all  the
detail, I compared what I logged that was not accepted to what I  received
during the contest and it matches. I really, really hope the folks  that are
mentioned don't get upset and I understand it's all part of  contesting. In 
RTTY contest, you have what is printed and you have to go  with it. I 
some folks might be interested in reviewing what I  found.

http://www.k2dsl.com or direct  at

73  and see you this weekend!
K2DSL -  David

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