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Re: [CQ-Contest] on line scores

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] on line scores
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 08:38:56 -0700
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I thought the requirement of requiring entrants to use a scoreboard type application was over the top. There are still many places in the world where the internet is poor, does not exist or is expensive. We want to encourage people to go on Contest/DX-Peditions not limit them to places where there is internet.
I wonder when the last FD type operation actually won a contest. In the 
80's we did it at V47M with K0GU, WB0MIV and myself, but we did have one 
antenna at the location we rented.  It was broke and we had to fix it.  
The rest of the antennas we brought with us.

Mike W0MU

On 11/27/2013 6:04 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
While you may be right that this would be an aid to SOME operators, and will act to their benefit... not everyone may agree with you. Why force it on people who don't wish to do it? 73

On 11/27/13, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:


Actually, it could help contestants. N1MM could probe the online
scoreboard for the same class you are and report back that you are XXXX
points ahead or XXXX points behind. This could be used as a kick in the
pants to get moving!

There is value in the scoreboard. It has been a slow sell.

I agree with your other points about online gaming and attempting to
capture those elements if we have any hopes of converting young people
to ham radio instead of the internet. An Xbox is far easier to hook up
than a ham rig and contest worthy antennas.

Mike W0MU

On 11/26/2013 10:59 AM, David Gilbert wrote:
I don't think it adds a thing to anyone not actually in the contest.
I can't imagine that more than a handful of non-contesters are going
to spend any time at all watching a set of numbers increment on their

"Re-imagining contesting" is going to require something far more
interesting than simply making scores more visible. It's going to
require coming up with contest formats that more closely parallel
online gaming .... where the action a participant takes directly and
in real time impacts the actions and scores of competitors, and where
teams of players can collaboratively accomplish something in real time
that they couldn't individually. I've pondered this issue at great
length and haven't come up with anything yet that works for
radiosport, but the model is certainly there. There are more people
actively playing EACH of the major online games than there are U.S.
amateur radio licensees in total.

Dave AB7E

On 11/26/2013 9:20 AM, Steve Dyer wrote:
I am super excited about the idea of real-time posting AND scoring.
It would be a tool to attract a lot of very positive attention to
radio sport. A real game changer that would allow us to promote
contesting as the modern, exciting activity it is to a *global*
audience. An audience that expects to see results real-time, not 12
months later. The contest sponsors need to wake up on this one and
make it their #1 priority if they want to survive. They will get a
lot more attention from advertisers and sponsors if they can break
the current mold and re-imagine contesting. Print cycles for dead
tree magazines should not be driving the agenda anymore.

...but it's got nothing to do with using Skimmer.

Soap Box- I want to commend the teams that took the time to post their
on the cqcontest.ru site. Our friends in UA have dove an excellent
job in
making the site easy to use and very accurate. On a different note I
propose a change to the CQWW Rules to include some sort of rule that
if a
station uses skimmer, packet or any other means of gathering
will be obligated to post their scores. Here is a classic example
given to
by KY4F.

"You and your wife are huge Golf fans, and save, and finally buy
to the Master's Golf Tournament (CQWW CW is much like the Master's).
In the
process of your attendance, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson decide
that they
will not allow their scores to be listed on the leader boards and
that they
will keep their score cards in their pocket and not allow any fans
or other
competitor to see their score. Their score cards will not be
available until
after every participant has finished the Tournament".

I see no discernible difference in the above case, and our current
CQWW who refuse to participate in posting their scores online. It is
done in
the Golf world to openly and frankly show what the score is at every
stroke. It
is a display of honesty and frankness and is a requirement for entry
in any
tournament. I call upon all of the contesting community to request...no
require... that all participants who use any method of information
to post their scores!

As the contesting community has adjusted to the requirement for logs
to be
in and posted for all to see, it is now time to change this unnecessary
and openly post your score for all to see. Not posting your score
equals non
entry in the contest.

de Rick NQ4I
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