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Re: [CQ-Contest] RBN high busted rate during WAE DX?

To: reflector cq-contest <CQ-Contest@Contesting.COM>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] RBN high busted rate during WAE DX?
From: Pete Smith N4ZR <n4zr@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 17:53:42 -0400
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Pedro - interesting data. I have a couple of possible explanations and one potential, at least partial solution.
Conditions were pretty mixed on Sunday, at least up here.  There was 
some very rapid QSB.  We know that most busts occur when a Morse 
character is truncated by one element, or in the case of characters like 
E, the whole character is lost.  Do the busts of your call seem to fit 
this, or any, particular pattern?
The second hypothesis is that we had a very large number of nodes on 
during the contest.  Since distribution of nodes is uneven (many in 
Europe and N America, few in the Southern Hemisphere), it is certainly 
possible that you were seeing each node'sinaccuracyof somewhere around 
one percent multiplied by many nodes, when you were being heard well in 
Europe or the US
Filtering at the node can help.  I have been generally impressed by 
CT1BOH's algorithm for his skimbusted filter on ARCluster V6, although 
it is not infallible - sometimes it will mistake the bust for the real 
call.  Another approach is simply to use ARCluster V6's unique>x filter, 
which doesn't "believe" a spot unless it is made more than x times.  I 
don't know what VE7CC may use to deal with this.
Finally, let me confirm there was nothing going on with the RBN 
infrastructure. Our philosophy is to forward everything  that our nodes 
copy, and let users filter as they will.
73, Pete N4ZR
Download the new N1MM Logger+ at
<http://N1MM.hamdocs.com>. Check
out the Reverse Beacon Network at
<http://reversebeacon.net>, now
spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
For spots, please use your favorite
"retail" DX cluster.

On 8/11/2015 3:10 PM, Pedro Colla wrote:
I'd observed during the contest that quite often my running frequency were 
reported as being ocuppied by me (LT7H) and by DT7H who seems to be a seldom 
used Italian callsign, but most likely a malformed capture of my callsign 
during the contest.
It happened either when I was called by scores of non-European fellows (perhaps looking 
for an Italian multiplicator), also when I turned off the "run" mode in N1MM+ 
and it showed outstanding the DT7H callsign in the same frequency.
Busted calls has always been an unavoidable feature of the RBN, which is a 
superb infrastructure resource for all of us, but the % of busted calls were 
relatively low and a manageable issue in my experience.
So, after the contest I'd used the raw data info to evaluate how bad was the 
problem and the results seems higher than I would have expected.
Sunday numbers were the worse, the distribution of the problem is:

This should be read as 8% of the hours of my Sunday participation (summarized by hour, or 1 hour) the RBN reported 0% busted calls, while 17% of the hours 100% of the reported were busted (this means during two hours of my participation I'd been reported as a busted call only). All in all 67% of the hours I participated on Sunday (8 hours) the busted reports of my call were 60% of the times or higher, about 2 every 3.
Saturday were a little bit at ease as about 1 in 3 times the reports were 
busted with a couple of hours were the reports were a busted calls about 3 out 
of 4 of the times.
I don't know if something special was going on with the RBN infrastructure 
previous or during the WAE, or the conditions were bad, or perhaps there was 
other factors.
Some fellow operators took the effort to post me correctly by hand after 
working me, saying that what was reported was wrong (deeple appreciated their 
I wonder whether this has been noticed or experienced by other stations; in WAE 
being spotted with an Italian call might not be much of a problem, but in WW 
probably would be a bigger issue.
Thanks, Pedro LU7HZ

Dr. Pedro E. Colla
Va.Belgrano-Ciudad de Cordoba
Cordoba- Argentina
"Un objetivo sin un plan es solo un deseo" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)           
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