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Re: [CQ-Contest] RES: CQ WPX M/M Distributed Category Update

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] RES: CQ WPX M/M Distributed Category Update
From: Jeff Clarke <ku8e@ku8e.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 16:16:49 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I'm not trying to be negative but with all due respect if this was such an exciting break thru why were there only a few entries in this so called exciting new category (?)  Anyone can invite a youth operator to their station in person OR remotely operate it as a Multi-Op so I guess I don't understand how this all correlates to having seven different stations being operated using one call sign? All seven stations operated by WW1X were on the Remote Ham Radio network. You could've had seven separate Multi-Multi operations with separate call signs and had double (or more) youth operators given the chance to operate a big station. What a great idea it would be having these youth operators competing against their peers instead of all of us old guys? It's apparent W2RE is a very smart guy for figuring out how to get this distributed remote setup to work (kudos to him) but I really don't think this is the future of contesting because most contesters don't have the resources W2RE has or just don't have the desire to do this.
When I was youngster I was lucky to be invited to operate at some big 
multi-op stations and it definitely shaped me as a contester so I 
understand Ray's enthusiasm about giving young contesters a chance at 
operating a big station. Good for him and it would be nice if other big 
station owners shared his enthusiasm

On 4/1/2021 11:42 AM, Ray Higgins wrote:
It sure is creating a buzz. We’re doing club presentations throughout the USA on zoom wanting to know more about the WW1X M/M distributed operation and the new category created by WPX committee. In the past CQWW had a category called Extreme but it was introduced to early. It would
be a big hit today! Just about the time we were going to compete in that contest it was eliminated. I sure hope CQWW adapts something fun like WPX did. I look at contesting different than most here - we’re about exposing contesting to young people and pushing the envelope with innovation remotely. It’s actually exciting to watch a young kid handle a pileup for the first time, when I mean watch they stream it on social media. Congratulations to Dave K1TTT who has opened up his station remote for young people to learn and it’s paying off in a big way! I’m sure Dave knows exactly what I mean. A group of youths will be doing a M/S in SP contest. This is exactly what we need in this hobby right now!
The PS2T team is absolutely correct this is a new sensation. This sensation can 
only continue if other contest organizations adapt. I hope they do!

Ray W2RE

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 1, 2021, at 10:14 AM, PY2NY <py2ny.vitor@gmail.com> wrote:

Great Report! MM Distributed is a new sensation
around the world.

73 DX
PY2NY / SP9NY / V26NY  - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos

Em qua., 31 de mar. de 2021 às 23:37, <py2led@fuertesind.com.br>
Hello ham friends, Good evening!

I would like to share our experience on this MM Distributed last weekend
from Brazil where we used PS2T special callsign.

We organized our join on this category 2 weeks before the contest. From
only 3 stations and 11 operators we covered from 10 to 80m.

The spirit of competition, joining forces with your country friends
carrying your country flag into the top scores was an amazing experience.

We make a trial, without the available remote technology to cover all
Brazilian territory. Each of the 3 stations running it´s normal
(FTdx101D, FTdx5000, K3, FT1000MP, TS590S and TS590SG) with DXLog Free and
Very nice software with VPN network hosted in one server was enough to
control everything.  Internal chat´s was good to make our "interlock" when
on same frequency. Sometimes I was listening stations on 10 meters and the
other Distributed running station could not listen. So just send a message
into GAB´s window to stop and let me work that station and/or multiplier.
Of course is using Serial Interlock this is much faster and productive.
Only a single idea about how funny and crazy this operation can be.

Can you image the limits of this category?   For example in PYland, we can
have 160m, 80m and 40m located in the extreme North at Amapa´s State
(Border with Guyana and Suriname) to bring a lot of 6 points QSOs from EU
and USA mixed with other station members at same bands and frequency in
other areas.  Someone can´t listen but the other can and Bingo....one more
qso in the log.   20m in the middle of country, 15m at Southest and 10m at
extreme South in Rio Grande do Sul near Uruguai.

With planning, very nice scores can be achieved. Each country members
knows it´s potential. But to make this possible, some common things must
connect the group as UNION, FRIENDSHIP, ORGANIZATION and other.

I fully respect all individual opinions. That is no RIGHT or WRONG.  For
me, this category is very modern and brings challenges. If you like, jump
on it. If not, no problem, just make the qso.

73´s and see you on air.

Fernando / PY2LED / PX2A

-----Mensagem original-----
De: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+py2led=fuertesind.com.br@contesting.com>
Em nome de Michael Walker
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2021 22:02
Para: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net>
Cc: cq-contest@contesting.com
Assunto: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WPX M/M Distributed Category Update

This idea is about technology.  Its impact to the number of stations to
work is slightly above 0.    All these stations were interlocked as well.
Not a trivial setup.

It got more people on the air for the contest who may not have had a
chance to get on the air at all.

It is no different then 10 top contesters travelling somewhere to do a
M/M.    The impact to the number of stations on the air is not even

Mike va3mw

On Mar 29, 2021, at 8:29 PM, Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> wrote:
I agree with Joe for one simple reason: The reason guys are
remotes is because they don't have a station at home to operate from,
least one that is contest worthy! I know one of the guys that was part of
the WW1X team lives in a high-rise apartment, with absolutely no chance to
get on the air at all except with perhaps an indoor antenna, low power, and
The more people we can get active in contesting, the better we all will
be. I'm sure not all of those 26 operators had 100 foot towers with stacks
of yagis home to work with. They had that chance to be a big gun, and
fun. Isn't that what it's all about?

On 03/29/2021 2:07 PM Joe <nss@mwt.net> wrote:

How does it do that? If they were all in one place doing a
multi/multi isn't it all the same?


On 3/29/2021 2:13 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On 3/29/2021 6:21 AM, Ray Higgins (W2RE) wrote:
The WW1X team entered the M/M distributed category this weekend. We
managed 23.5 million points in adverse conditions in this new
category from USA zone #5 with 7 stations and 13 operating positions.
Our team consisted of 26 operators from eight countries
I think this category is a TERRIBLE idea, simply because it reduces
the number of stations to work, as well has their prefixes.

73, Jim K9YC
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