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[CQ-Contest] another!

To: 'ACG' <contest@alabamacontestgroup.org>, "secc@groups.io" <secc@groups.io>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] another!
From: Courtney Judd <k4wi@k4wi.net>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2021 06:10:16 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I thought I had all the electrical issues identified from the lightening strike a week ago Wednesday.....but yesterday morning went to move the tribander to Europe and nothing. The rotator is a yaesu G1000DXA and after some testing it will move the antenna ok but the indicator dial doesn't move. Using the VOM it appears that the issue is in the control box rather than up the tower. Anyone know what goes wrong and if it can be repaired and where? I see that HRO has a replacement box which i will probably order this morning. I hope this is the last of the problems to surface! Thanks, Cort K4WI

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