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[CQ-Contest] Ross Hull Who was he?

To: Trent Sampson <vk4ts@outlook.com>, CQ-Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Ross Hull Who was he?
From: James Cain <jamesdavidcain@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 08:15:47 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Trent, one correction to what I wrote.

Ross Hull's Bolton, Connecticut elevation was about 535 feet. For
comparison, W1AW, down in the Connecticut River valley to the west and
about 20 miles away, is ESL 75 feet.

Hull's obituary is in November 1938 QST (four pages!). It is a beautiful
piece of writing by ARRL's "secretary" (general manager), Kenneth B.
Warner, W1KBW.

According to the obit, Hull had applied for United States citizenship. At
the time of his death he did not hold a U.S. amateur license.

The famous radio-controlled glider of the late 1930s, which Hull played a
part in, is shown in the 1938 obit. That very glider used to hang from the
ceiling of the lobby at ARRL headquarters in Newington, Conn. I first saw
it in 1972. The lobby was a radio museum filed with tubes, a few ancient
radios, some paper documents. Sometime in the 1980s, I think it was,
everything in the museum was taken out so the museum could be turned into
an Art Deco entranceway.

Jim Cain, K1TN
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