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Re: [CQ-Contest] N1MM+ in WAE

To: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca>,<cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] N1MM+ in WAE
From: Peter Sundberg via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Peter Sundberg <sm2cew@telia.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:15:01 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Mike,

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions on how to get things right with the software.
Yes, I've been entering the WAE since the 70's, a 
contest with QTCs is an absolute joy. But lately, 
since N1MM+ has not been working for me, I've 
entered the contest without taking any QTCs, which is not as much fun :-)
It now seems like I have found the problem.

First of all, I use N1MM only as a logger, I never connect the radio or use the software to send CW. I never use the cluster either to spoon feed me with multipliers and new stations. I send CW with a keyer, paddles controlled with my right hand and log on the keyboard simultaneously with my left hand. This gives me full control over both transmit and receive timing in a contest, especially in pileups, when I don't have to rely on the software to send CW for me as I enter characters on the keyboard.
Late last night I started looking into the 
problem a bit more carefully, inspired by you 
guys helping me out with ideas, thinking there must be a way to solve this.
I then found out that the issue was that the 
software for some reason was configured to send 
CW on port COM6. My computer does not have COM6, 
but as I never use the program to send CW this 
has not been a problem in any of the other multiple contests I enter.
But for WAE it seems to matter. As I understand 
it, from within the RQTC window it sends 
acknowledgements etc to the DX passing QTCs. What 
happened was that these messages were waiting to 
be sent, but they ended up in a queue and a 
message was displayed in small prints saying 
something like "Waiting for messages to be sent". in the entry window.
This locked up the RQTC window so I could not 
open it again after closing it the one time it 
appeared after startup. I had not seen this 
message in very fine print before. You can see it 
again in a small activity log window when you 
move the cursor to the lower left hand corner in 
the entry window but it quickly disappears.
So after going to the Configurer to choose the 
available COM4 in the drop down list in the 
Hardware tab the software doesn't lock up the RQTC window any more.
I can now continue even in WAE to merrily send CW 
myself with my right hand and log with my left 
hand simultaneously. So if I get some free time 
this weekend I will be around in WAE and also accept receiving QTCs :-)
Cu Mike!

Peter SM2CEW

At 16:00 2023-08-09, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
Hi Peter,

I know you?re an ol? pro @ CW but not sure if you?ve ever used N1MM in WAE
before (or if you?ve ever entered WAE before)?probably, but you didn?t say,
hi so pse don?t be offended by my advice.

CTRL-Z will only work after you?ve made a complete QSO with a partner.
First the QSO and THEN after it is 100% complete, then the QTC?s.
It will only work a 2nd time with another partner if you have extra QTC?s to
send.(and the QSO you just made cannot be sent back to that station) (so
make lots and lots of fake QSO?s before trying to exchange a 2nd set of
QTC?s in your test setup)

There is usually a hint at the bottom of the entry window...ie: no more
QTC';s, you've already sent QTC's...stuff like that.

Also, N1MM+ does a great job with coloring....blue, green, red, grey(or is
it black?) of the callsigns in the bandmap and E/W.....

For anyone brand new to WAE and N1MM, here's something
 you can look over to familiarize yourself before the fray.  Also, the team
was able to honour my yearly request to make the QTC popup (font only)
sizeable - YAY!! Look in the upper right hand corner for those little font
sizing triangles.  We're not getting any younger. ;-)

Does any of this help?

Maybe you have used N1MM in WAE and have entered WAE many times and I am not
giving you anything new?

I hope to be on part time this weekend (have responsibilities that will cut
into my op time) as WAE CW is one of my favorite contests.

CU then, I hope!

73 ­ Mike VE9AA

I am using N1MM+ and want to configure it for the upcoming WAE.

But I am having problems with the QTC pop up window. I am of course doing
something wrong.... but pressing Ctrl-Z only works one time just after
starting the program and adding a QSO.

When adding the next station in the log pressing Ctrl--Z does nothing, no
pop up window appears.

Any suggestion on what I have to do setting the program up for WAE CW so
that will enable me to enter more received QTCs than one and then restart
the program? :-)

Using the latest version of the program running on a Windows 7 Pro operating

Peter SM2CEW

Mike, Coreen & Corey
Keswick Ridge, NB

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