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Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW DX Contests

To: Chuck Dietz <w5prchuck@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW DX Contests
From: Jeff Blaine <KeepWalking188@ac0c.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:41:46 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

I think you are right.

An experienced guy will get this zone entry right.  And a casual op probably won't tender the log.  So the argument to enter the right zone makes sense.
What perked me up on this issue is that the CQ WPX check log results are 
out and I had not looked at that report much in the past - but this time 
noted a monster hit (10%!) to the score over a relatively few number of 
Q-related errors.  By comparison, the other OP that I looked at as a 
benchmark had about half the score hit (~5%) in the log check process, 
so clearly this is an area I need to focus on more.

On 9/27/2023 10:29 AM, Chuck Dietz wrote:
It’s virtually always going to be someone who is giving out a few Qs to “help.” There won’t be a log turned in. During CQWW RTTY, some station in CA gave me zone 6. Had it been SSB, I would have told him his correct zone, but, since I don’t have a clue how to send anything but canned messages on RTTY, I just logged the correct zone and moved on. Had the exchange been something unique, I would have logged what was sent. If someone sends me a state, I would log what was sent. The rules say to send your zone. If you send the wrong zone, you are not sending your zone, so I feel an incorrect zone can be corrected.
Chuck W5PR

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 9:38 AM Jeff Blaine <KeepWalking188@ac0c.com> wrote:
    Let's change this question slightly.

    For the CQ WW RTTY contest where a zone and state are given, and we
    assume the guy has put in the state correctly but for some reason
    sending the wrong zone, what is the best way to log the contest
    Q?  And
    no, I don't consider explaining to the guy his zone and state don't
    match is an in-contest solution.

    Seems like you could log what the guy sends.

    Or - log the sent state along with the "correct" zone for that state.

    Or - not log the Q at all and assume it's going to be busted by
    the log

    www.ac0c.com <http://www.ac0c.com>

    On 9/26/2023 8:20 PM, john@kk9a.com wrote:
    > Since N0TA wrote his question right after the CQWW RTTY contest
    he may be
    > referring to that CQ WW contest.  The exchange for US stations
    includes the
    > state so it would be obvious if the incorrect zone is sent.   It
    is possible
    > that his RTTY decoder did not accurately decode the number but
    some people
    > do sent the wrong number, often a serial number.  I am sure that
    > contester runs into this. Regardless of which CQWW N0TA is
    referring to, if
    > a US station is sending 599 02 it would be obviously incorrect. 
     If you log
    > what is sent, would you expect to get the zone 2 multiplier?
    > John KK9A -  W4AAA in 2023 CQWW RTTY
    > Art Boyars K3KU wrote:
    > Besides all the advice to copy what is sent,
    > "When you receive an obviously incorrect Zone (like the guy is
    from CA and
    > sends something other than 3)..."
    > how do you know he is in California?
    > Nowadays lots of people keep their old call signs when they move
    to a
    > different district (e.g., W6OAT, N6TR)
    > And nowadays lots of people are sitting at home, operating
    remote in a
    > different district using their home call signs. "Portable"
    indicator no
    > longer required.
    > And some people are doing both, and winding up where they belong
    >   :>)
    > I guess I'm showing my age.
    > 73, Art K3KU
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