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Re: [CQ-Contest] Endurance UP-Date

To: Jack Brindle <jackbrindle@me.com>, "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Endurance UP-Date
From: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 21:47:01 -0600
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Thank You Jack,

On 11/28/2023 9:24 PM, Jack Brindle wrote:
Several of the top contesters in radio sport take similar supplements (Muscle 
Milk, for example) in their daily regimen in order to keep very fit and allow 
their minds to be able to compete in a 24 or 48 hour contest.
So, what Joe is saying here really is not much different. If you want to be one 
of the top contesters, go to WRTC and so forth, you need to train in much the 
same way top athletes do.

I will say that I tried one of the supplements several years ago (not the one Joe 
cites). I didn’t see that it made that much difference, but then I wasn't one 
of the top contesters at that (or this) time.

What I am saying is that there are many ways to get to and stay on top. 
Discussing them is a good thing. It might help others to get to the top of our 

Jack, W6FB

On Nov 28, 2023, at 1:59 PM, Joe<nss@mwt.net>  wrote:

I am truly sorry,

Wow, I thought I might help someone with this. Professional athletes use this 
stuff all the time, and their bodies are their contest station. I do not know 
any athlete that would harm their equipment. If this was sooo bad you would 
think after 40 years of making this stuff they would be out of business. Or 
sued to oblivion.

I thought this help would be just like recommending  a super gamer chair. As 
something to help you keep your B.I.C. more.

Sorry for suggesting something that is highly praised and LEGAL from the 
endurance sporting world.


On 11/28/2023 12:57 PM,w0mn00@gmail.com  wrote:
This should be removed. It is nothing but an ad for dangerous medical actions 
and you would  live  to regret spending the money or using the chemicals.
For certain you are going to the junk list.

Outlook LAPTOP
Gil  (Radio W0MN)
Hierro Candente Batir de Repente
44.08226 N 92.51265 W EN34rb

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest<cq-contest-bounces+w0mn00=gmail.com@contesting.com>   On 
Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 9:14 AM
To: CQ-Contest Reflector<cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Endurance UP-Date

       Many of you participated in the survey about this subject of Endurance 
in Contesting that I posted on several of the E-Mail groups. I thank all of you 
who replied. This is a follow up on what everyone told me, and possibly 
something for all of you aging contesters that can not stay up all night that I 
discovered, or actually Remembered from 20+ years ago!

       Now I won't tell you all about it here, just too long of an explanation. 
So I made a web page that gives complete details on what it is and how if 
interested how you can also try it.  I know it is night and day for me!  I did 
the first test on the ARRL Sweepstakes CW weekend, and for the first time in 
over 10 years I was able to do the whole contest. And just to make sure it was 
not a fluke I tried it again for the SSB weekend with similar results.  Below 
is the link to the web page all about it.

       I hope maybe some of you all may benefit from this.



Boy! Does this sound like a Facebook scam! he he he.. Oh well, it isn't.
Just can't think of a good way to tell ya about it.

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