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Re: [CQ-Contest] Missing E-mail Addresses

To: "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Missing E-mail Addresses
From: Michael Adams <mda@n1en.org>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 16:22:51 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
It's probably worth mentioning that most email clients / web interfaces have 
the ability to support folders and automatic filtering to those folders

Learning how to use such functionality goes a LONG way towards improving the 
S/N ratio in email.

(I don't particularly object to the graphic emailed QSLs - I've used a couple 
for show-and-tell when chatting with non-ham coworkers on Teams - but I do 
auto-file them in their own folder. I just wish there would be some 
standardisation so I wouldn't need to keep making new filters as new serviced 


Michael Adams | mda@n1en.org<mailto:mda@n1en.org>

From: Jeff Davis <jeff@ke9v.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 14:45
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Missing E-mail Addresses

Posting one's email on QRZ.com should be a *little* safer than posting it in 
the wild. After all, you have to have an account on QRZ.com and at least, 
theoretically, the only folks able to view your email from there would be other 
hams. Hopefully not spam farms.

But what the original poster was talking about were electronic QSL cards that 
seem to get generated immediately after a QSO -- and almost always with an LoTW 
confirmation too. So in this case, hams are spamming other hams with digital 
QSL cards. It's some automated service that will quickly wear out its welcome, 
if it hasn't already...

Jeff, KE9V

On Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 at 10:22 AM, john@kk9a.com <john@kk9a.com> 

> That is not unusual, a lot of US stations also do not add their email
> address.
> Many people do not personalize their QRZ account and perhaps some just do
> not want to be contacted that way or they are concerned about spam. One
> disadvantage about not including an email address it is becomes easier for
> someone impersonate the ham on the swap sites because there is no way to
> verify the seller's email address.
> John KK9A

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