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Re: [CQ-Contest] Was "2024 ARRL DX CW Raw Scores - Is the LP Winner from

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Was "2024 ARRL DX CW Raw Scores - Is the LP Winner from MO - REALLY?
From: Steve Maki <lists@oakcom.org>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2024 20:10:16 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
It seems there should at least *be a way* for the station call to be listed in the final results (if desired), same as there is in the 3830 results? Not necessarily a requirement.
-Steve K8LX

On 03/06/24 6:57 PM, john@kk9a.com wrote:
3830 scores has a field for the station's callsign.  I have never operated
remotely but whenever I guest op in the Caribbean I always list the station
owner with my score.  Of course if it was a field day type setup there would
be no station callsign other than the one issued to me.

Are you proposing that the physical address or coordinates of the
transmitter be required with a log submission?  How often has the QTH really
been in question?  The ARRL already requires a grid locator to submit a log
which gets you pretty close to the actual physical location.

John KK9A

Edward Sawyer N1UR wrote:


It brings up an interesting point.  Nowhere does any contest organizer
actually require a disclosure of what station location you operated from.
In these days of remote, I think that should change.

Ed  N1UR

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