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Re: [CQ-Contest] In band in 2023

To: Mike Fatchett W0MU <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] In band in 2023
From: Stan Stockton <wa5rtg@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 22:29:46 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

Here are a few things regarding an effective in band operation to substantially 
increase QSOs per hour.  This is not limited to multipliers but as many 
contacts as can be made.  There are many different ways to do it.  First to 
foot-switch is one that eliminates what I would call an interruption.  The 
following pertains to actually interrupting the run station.

1.  If you are sharing the same transmit antenna, you need a good receive 
antenna that can also be shared.  It will be automatically switched to the run 
radio while the 2nd station transmits.  It needs to be located and configured 
in a way that allows each station to receive with minimal interference when the 
other station transmits. You need to be able to get close to the run frequency 
(maybe 1-3 kHz away) and copy a S5 signal while the running station transmits. 
I think without having two sets of antennas, separate amplifiers, etc, the 
ultimate setup would be bring the transmit antenna out of the run station (RX 
Ant Out) and split it to both rigs to be used when neither rig is transmitting 
and automatically switch to a separate RX Antenna when either rig transmits.

2. The preferred situation is that someone is transmitting all the time and no 
one is interrupted but many times you will have to interrupt the other 
station’s transmission in order to maximize the result.  
      A.  Try to never interrupt when the run station is executing F2 (callsign 
and report)
      B.  Interrupt F1, F3
       C.  On CW focus on the good operators with good signals I prefer to 
never call        anyone on the 2nd radio at less than about 36 WPM unless it’s 
a new multiplier. If you can get in and out at 40+ WPM, all the better. If you 
need to call a new multiplier who has a weak signal, the run station can just 
stop for a few seconds every other contact until you get him.  You may want to 
receive on the TX antenna in that scenario.

I don’t know about others but N1MM software will show you what function key 
message is being sent by the other station.  That’s how it can work with a 
remote operator although there is no substitute for sitting side by side and 
paying attention to the run stations entry window.  There are also some options 
in N1MM networking setup.   One option will stop the run station’s function key 
message when the 2nd station transmits. Continually pushing the enter key on 
and off will start the next F key message instantaneously when the 2nd radio 
stops transmitting.  

There may be a better way to do this but I have a box that switches the relay 
line from the amplifier to the rig that is transmitting and the amplifier coax 
input to the same rig.  If either rig transmits the other one is connected to a 
dummy load. This allows all this to happen with two rigs, one amplifier, one 
transmit antenna and a receive antenna. 

Hope this helps answer some questions or helps someone in some way.

73…Stan, K5GO/ZF9CW

> On May 28, 2024, at 9:04 PM, Mike Fatchett W0MU <w0mu@w0mu.com> wrote:
> You have to work as a team.  You never interrupt a good run. Usually it is 
> hardware lockout.  First to the footswitch wins.  It can be very frustrating 
> until the ops get to know one another. There are lots of solutions for this.  
> I have no idea how you do this with remote ops.
> W0MU
>> On 5/28/2024 4:23 PM, Trent Sampson wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> When using in band operation multiplier chasing for Multi Op contesting, how 
>> is your setup ?
>> How do you interrupt the runner? How do they know to go again?
>> What software are you using?
>> Thanks, in Advance
>> Trent VK4TS WW7TT
>> Tel: 07 5406 1224
>> Mob: 0408 497 550
>> Po Box 275 Mooloolaba QLD 4557
>> QRZ DOT COM<http://www.qrz.com/db/vk4ts>
>> Sent from mobile. Please excuse brevity
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