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Re: [CQ-Contest] Final 2024 CQ WPX CW Results are Available

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Final 2024 CQ WPX CW Results are Available
From: "Mike VE9AA ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 12:08:48 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
2 things.

First, Tnx as well to Bud/AA3B for his 10yrs of service to 'WPX. I didn't agree with making everyone assisted, but I respect the man and the work done over the years. Tnx Bud.

Secondly, for Jim/K8MR, This doesn't "exactly" answer your question perfectly, but (at least for a period of time) you can check the logs rec'd page (until it times out - when ?) and see all the calls of folks who sent in logs. If you do a "CTRL-F" for "NO8" I see only 2 entries.

Course, this doesn't tell you scores, points etc but at least for a while (some weeks? a few months?) you have that at least to see the callsigns (prefixes especially).

CQ WPX - Logs Received - CW


73 Mike VE9AA
p.s.-I like the "NO DX" callsign. Very humorous.

Thanks to Bud for his ten years in charge of the WPX contest, and I hope hissuccessor will continue his fine job.I'd like to add a suggestion to the results: ability to search calls by prefix.I operated a very part time effort as NO8DX. I do know that NO8C is oftenactive in contests, and I see that he was in fact active in WPX CW. Were thereany other NO8 calls lurking out there? I can't tell.Might the score search allow "NO8?" as an entry, and list the results for allthe calls starting with NO8 ? This would satisfy my curiosity as to howhelpful my prefix was, and would also help those looking for rare or uniqueprefixes for WPX events going forward.
73 -  Jim  K8MR

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