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Re: [CQ-Contest] Low CW SS Activity

To: reflector cq-contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Low CW SS Activity
From: David Hachadorian <k6ll.dave@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 20:29:54 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Here's an interesting tidbit.  I was the person responsible for getting "and then only if the second call sign is used by a different operator" added to the rule.  Back in about 1976, I operated at family station WA6WZN/WA6WZO in ORG Section. I was interleaving the two calls during the contest, and I remember getting a letter in the mail from ARRL asking "How can you have operated 40 hours in a 24 hour contest?"  What can I say?  I was young then, and there was no Internet.  We just did stuff.   I was not DQ'd, but the rule was changed for the next year.
Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

On 11/6/2024 12:20 PM, Tim Shoppa wrote:
Jim, I will do an update of SS HMO records and post to CQ-Contest. I last
posted in fall of 2022 I think.

I can envision clubs setting up "station swaparounds" for 3-way
synchronized HMO's. The usual interpretation of "transmitter" in the SS
rules would mean that folks would have to go to their backup and then third

My reading of SS Rules highlighted below. I don't think the same op can
operate twice at same location.

STTN.1. A transmitter used to contact one or more stations may not be
subsequently used under any other call sign during the contest period,
except  a)
for family stations where more than one call sign has been issued, and
then only if the second call sign is used by a different operator.  b)
for remote stations used by individual amateurs that have limited or
no access to their own stations.
* This rule does not permit any operator to use multiple call signs at
the same station to manufacture contacts to another station in the
contest. *

My results from 3-way HMO ARRL SS  last weekend below.

  N3QE@N3QE: 94,180 points
NW3DC@W3DQ: 80,842 points
K3PRC@KE3X: 87,192 points
      Total:261,854 points
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