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[RFI] question regarding Carrier furnace

To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] question regarding Carrier furnace
From: EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <eedwards@oppd.com (EDWARDS, EDDIE J)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 08:36:18 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Gustafson [SMTP:n7cl@mmsi.com]
> I don't have any furnace info for you.  But I do have a shopping
> procedure that I use in these cases.  I go down to the supplier
> with my battery portable HF receiver (either Radio Shack or Sony)
> and make him show me one of whatever he is trying to sell me
> powered up and operating.  Then I discover unambiguously whether
> there is a potential problem or not.
        A rcvr will tell you if it makes noise.  That is important,
especially for DXers or contesters. 

        But do you also transmit?  Kinda hard to set-up, but that's the
other half of the EMI problem when it comes to susceptable equipment: Does
it respond to RFI in a unwanted manner? i.e. unit shuts down or starts up
suddenly, etc.

        The only way to prepare for this in such a purchase is to warn to
sales people that you have transmitting equipment, that you expect their
equipment not to respond to RF, and if it does negotiate an acceptable
resolution before the problem is found.  

        There is a warranty, and they will get tired of being called out, so
it's in their interest to resolve ALL problems.  Good luck with your

        de ed -K0iL

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