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Re: [RFI] Strange RFI

To: "David C. Hallam" <dhallam@knology.net>, rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Strange RFI
From: N1BUG <paul@n1bug.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 16:51:48 -0400
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
On 08/30/2015 01:36 PM, David C. Hallam wrote:
My problem is not that interference in the normal way we think of
interference.  I do not hear my signal in the speakers nor does it seem
to affect the system while it is playing,  The only effect I have
observed is the RF switching on the Sony CDP CX 455 deck.
It's not that unusual. RFI comes in many forms. I once had a 
situation where RF from a transmitter would cause a TV to turn on or 
off and randomly change channel, but there was no trace of 
interference to audio or video. I had a remote controlled light 
fixture that would turn on and off in response to RF from a 
transmitter. How about an electric typewriter that turned on and 
typed all by itself (and really freaked out the owner)? Most 
recently I had a blu-ray player that, when confronted with RF, would 
go into some mode where it would continue playing (no audio or video 
interference) but stopped responding to the remote and local 
controls. The only way to get it responding again was to unplug its 
power cord and plug it back in.
Paul N1BUG
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