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Re: [RFI] LED RFI solved

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] LED RFI solved
From: Bill Steffey NY9H <ny9h@arrl.net>
Reply-to: ny9h@arrl.net
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 16:42:06 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
I looked at their website at many of their power supplies.

While they all have FCC ...non have EU.     The Meanwells have EU.  I think the EU standard is either much cleaner spec OR it is enforced, while the fcc spec is probably ignored.  Had same issue with under cabinet kitchen lighting and solution was a Meanwell supply that had EU ( I think they all do). Hanley  might not bother with the EU market.


On 8/22/2020 3:24 PM, Michael Aust via RFI wrote:
Great video MikeWB6DJI

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  On Saturday, August 22, 2020, Jim Brown <jim@audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:

Thanks for posting, Steve. In today's world, a large fraction of RF
noise is electronic noise, NOT power line noise. My tutorial app note
addresses this, how to tell the difference, how to chase both types of
sources. The two links cover the same material, but the second, slides
for a talk, is newer and includes more graphics.


73, Jim K9YC

On 8/22/2020 11:35 AM, VE6WZ_Steve wrote:
A church nearby to my QTH decided to install an LED string to the church steeple 
cross.  The RFI was very bad on 160m.
The problem was a very dirty Hanley LED driver switch-mode supply.  Replaced 
with a Mean Well unit and now all is quiet.

I made a YouTube video showing the isolation, testing and solution.  Some of 
these LED drivers are EXTREMELY noisy, but they don't need to be!

https://youtu.be/tvjRwZTNLHs <https://youtu.be/tvjRwZTNLHs>

73, de steve ve6wz
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