In the 1970's I worked with a draftsman who was employed at Fisher Electronics.
Avery Fisher produced high-end Audio equipment. The draftsman shared some
idiosyncrasies with me. Before a prototype was released to production Fisher
listened to the set and removed components he deemed unnecessary.
Avery Fisher was wealthy and donated to Lincoln Center. The concert hall was
renamed Avery Fisher Hall. The fender on this car was damaged. Instead of
purchasing a replacement party he had the company metal shop fabricate a
Mike N2MS
> On 10/01/2020 1:43 PM K9MA <> wrote:
> Many years ago, I worked for a small, well-known US electronics
> manufacturer. I was in R&D, and the standing joke was that once a design
> went to manufacturing, they pulled out parts one at a time until it
> stopped working, then put one back.
> 73,
> Scott K9MA
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