On 2/5/2022 11:18 AM, Christopher Wawak wrote:
The single point entry for antennas at my house is right behind the
If everything in your home and station is properly grounded and bonded,
and your feedlines are coax, what matters is the proximity of a noise
source to ANTENNAS, not their feedlines.
I did not notice any major RFI when it was running, or when
it's idle. My major concern was the battery charger. So far I have
not noticed any more noise than usual, but I am not in a radio quiet
zone or anything.
That's a BIGGIE in terms of assessing whether a new device is quiet.
Most of us who live in the developed world are surrounded by noise
sources -- almost everything that plugs into AC has a switch-mode power
supply that generates noise and conducts it to the power line, which
radiates it. If we've already got S7 noise, we're unlikely to notice a
new contributor.
I live in the mountains, with neighbors 400-600 ft from my antennas. In
one direction, my 7-el 6M LFA sees an S1 noise level; when pointed to
neighbors in three different directions, it gets up to S5. I see similar
differences on 160-40 listening on my Beverages.
I do tune using an SDR on a large screen where I can
see the whole band at once, and noise (especially something close like
that) would for sure show up.
An SDR with a waterfall is a great tool for seeing and identifying noise.
73, Jim K9YC
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