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Re: [RFI] Replacement For Fluorescent Tubes

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Replacement For Fluorescent Tubes
From: K9MA <k9ma@sdellington.us>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:38:42 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
I'm not sure what kind of ballasts they were, but a neighbor installed LED replacement "tubes", and they created terrible RFI. (OK, they were only 50 feet from my RX loop.) I'd recommend just replacing the fixtures, but test them for RFI before installing (and keep the receipt).  The inevitably Chinese power supplies are highly variable in RFI output.


Scott K9MA

On 6/25/2024 6:32 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
I need to replace bulbs in existing 4-ft T8 magnetic fixtures. I'd like to do it with no mods to the fixtures. Should I stick with fluorescents, or can anyone recommend a good LED replacement?

Thanks and 73, Jim K9YC

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Scott  K9MA

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