My RU Stats.
Op time 21 hours
QSO Sta Prov Dx
80M 31 8 2 0
40M 73 11 0 1
20M 174 1 1 12
15M 191 8 1 13
10M 237 17 6 24
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
706 45 10 50
Total Score: 74130
FT-1000MP Mark V
TH6DXX, 40 sloper, 80 dipole
Writelog & MMTTY (Is there anything else?)
When a station (in this case - not in the contest) sends his report
and not in conformity with the rules and when a station that sends a
state/prov that my not be recognized and/or listed and another
station fails to use figures thus failing to convey his s/n in an
orthodox manner, but we know what he meant, aren't they all no
counters? Just curious. Oh yes, I counted most of that type.
It was fun ! A lot of fun.