RTTY Mailing List (date)
June 30, 2002
- [RTTY] WAEDC Certificate, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 17:17
- [RTTY] CY9DH - No Digital Operation!, Dave Sjolin, 13:57
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ, va3dx@sympatico.ca, 12:18
- [RTTY] CY9DH - No Digital Operation!, Arsk0jn@aol.com, 11:45
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ, Don Hill AA5AU, 09:40
June 27, 2002
- [RTTY] Thanks to HC8N, wa9als, 21:24
- [RTTY] CQWW RTTY WPX 2002 - NN6NN, W6XK, 21:00
- [RTTY] Oh, Happy Days!, Bill Turner, 20:53
- [RTTY] Oh, Happy Days!, Bill Hawkins, 19:09
- [RTTY] Most Wanted, ak0a, 18:57
- [RTTY] EA RTTY CONTEST 2002 CHECKING, ea1mv@retemail.es, 17:56
- [RTTY] FW5ZL, pa0wrs, 04:14
June 25, 2002
- [RTTY] sorry test, Carlo, 19:29
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Bill Hawkins, 18:05
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, tgstewart@pepco.com, 11:44
- [RTTY] Fw:questionnaire, ontair, 11:20
- [RTTY] EA RTTY CONTEST 2002 RESULTS, Vladimir A. Gordienko, 09:38
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Tom Moore, 07:24
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, kk5oq, 06:38
- [RTTY] EA RTTY CONTEST 2002 RESULTS, ea1mv@retemail.es, 05:30
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like, Kok Chen, 00:17
June 24, 2002
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like, wa9als, 23:42
- [RTTY] long lost qso.., va3dx@sympatico.ca, 23:19
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like, Bill Turner, 22:49
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, k3mm@comcast.net, 19:29
- [RTTY] ANARTS VK4UC, John Cashen, 17:01
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, k0bx@qsl.net, 16:34
- [RTTY] qsl(s), va3dx@sympatico.ca, 16:06
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like - THE SOLUTION, Dave Barr RDS Inc, 14:20
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, WA9ALS - John, 13:56
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604, 13:46
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Barry , 13:36
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like - THE SOLUTION, Don Hill AA5AU, 13:29
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like, Jerry Flanders, 12:46
- [RTTY] What RTTY Sounds Like, Don Hill AA5AU, 12:38
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Jon Harder, 12:03
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Dave Barr RDS Inc, 11:59
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Dave W7DPW, 11:58
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, WA9ALS - John, 11:34
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Barry , 10:02
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, <w1zt@arrl.net (George Johnson), 09:54
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, k2yg@verizon.net, 09:42
- [RTTY] Congratulations, edlyn, 09:04
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Mobile Workshop, 08:44
- [RTTY] RTTY operation in ARRL's Field Day exercise?, Jerry Flanders, 08:28
- [RTTY] (no subject), Al Chudek, 07:09
June 19, 2002
- [RTTY] Three certificates in the post today!, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 14:47
- [RTTY] EA2RCF/M 3600 Kms de Radio !, Roberto, 11:06
- [RTTY] Hi,RTTY,the Garden of Eden, sample, 04:19
- [RTTY] Qsl File Anarts Contest, Colin Davies, 00:06
June 16, 2002
- [RTTY] What is right - 45 or 45.45 baud?, Jim Reisert AD1C, 23:18
- [RTTY] Fw: Corona-Contest 2002, 1th part, results, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 13:52
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ, DidierBruriaud@aol.com, 12:34
- [RTTY] Fw: Corona-Contest 2002, 1th part, results, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 02:29
June 15, 2002
- [RTTY] Pactor, Phil Sussman, 23:58
- [RTTY] Why 50 Baud ??, Don Hill AA5AU, 22:17
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN, Akira Iizuka, 21:14
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN, Kok Chen, 21:09
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN, Kok Chen, 21:01
- [RTTY] Pactor, James Holzbauer, 20:54
- [RTTY] W0ETC, Larry L Lindblom, 18:17
- [RTTY] p5 and 3xa, Charles Anderson, 16:44
- [RTTY] W0ETC, Shelby Summerville, 16:40
- [RTTY] Why 50 Baud ??, Richard W. Solomon, 16:05
- [RTTY] Pactor, WA9ALS-John, 01:24
June 14, 2002
- [RTTY] Question., AMeyer3565@aol.com, 23:57
- [RTTY] Miracle or right place/time, Jim McDonald, 23:51
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN @ 0309 Z, Billy Cox, 23:06
- [RTTY] Great Day for RTTY - June 14, k0bx@qsl.net, 18:55
- [RTTY] Great Day for RTTY - June 14, Bill Hawkins, 17:11
- [RTTY] Great Day for RTTY - June 14, Don Hill AA5AU, 16:52
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN, May, 15:12
- [RTTY] Re: [DX-NEWS] Miracle or right place/time, Telesforo Figueroa, 14:31
- [RTTY] YA5T, Don Hill AA5AU, 14:13
- [RTTY] A45WD ANARTS 2002, alex panoiu, 14:03
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ, ak0a, 13:44
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 13:05
- [RTTY] YA 1635z, N3SL@aol.com, 12:40
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Jon Harder, 12:10
- [RTTY] Miracle or right place/time, Bill Turner, 11:18
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN 21081 1430z, Bill Turner, 11:14
- [RTTY] Miracle or right place/time, Bill Hawkins, 11:03
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN 21081 1430z, Bill Turner, 10:56
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN 21081 1430z, Don Hill AA5AU, 10:44
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Jim Reisert AD1C, 10:43
- [RTTY] NAQP Teams, k7wm, 10:26
- [RTTY] NAQP Teams, <w9ol@billnjudy.com (FireBrick), 06:55
- [RTTY] NAQP Teams, Shelby Summerville, 06:47
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 06:31
- [RTTY] A funny game, duzhin, 05:53
June 13, 2002
- [RTTY] Help: Multi-port serial board, Sante - IK0HBN, 18:36
- [RTTY] IT9BLB ANARTS SOAB claimed score, G. La Parola, IT9BLB, 17:22
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ on RTTY, Don Hill AA5AU, 15:31
- [RTTY] DL6JZ: NAQP team?, dl6jz@t-online.de, 14:33
- [RTTY] DL6JZ: ANARTS 2002 (SOAB), dl6jz@t-online.de, 14:25
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Richard B. Drake, 13:06
- [RTTY] News qsl's in my web, Roberto, 12:44
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Richard Thorne, 12:08
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, <ronald.stordahl@digikey.com (Ron Stordahl), 11:25
- [RTTY] KU9C qsl manager for KP2D, Jim Reisert AD1C, 11:15
- [RTTY] Certificate for SARTG RTTY Contest 2002, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 10:56
- [RTTY] V47SS QSL, Roberto, 10:43
- [RTTY] System Clock software, Bill Turner, 10:13
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Dave, 10:09
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Bill Turner, 10:02
- [RTTY] System Clock software, Andrew J O'Brien, 09:41
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Dave, 09:34
- [RTTY] System Clock software, Jon Harder, 09:14
- [RTTY] System Clock software, Jon Harder, 09:13
- [WriteLog] [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Ron Stordahl, 08:42
- [RTTY] System Clock software, Andrew J O'Brien, 08:27
- [RTTY] Sessions trend, lz2au, 04:01
- [RTTY] AP2IA, dl6jz@t-online.de, 03:40
June 12, 2002
- [RTTY] FR5ZU/T, Don Hill AA5AU, 23:28
- [RTTY] Break Score in Wf1b - Crash, Esteban Toribio, 19:58
- [RTTY] Thanks Slovenia Contest Club, Don Hill AA5AU, 19:28
- [RTTY] GM4FDM ANARTS Entry, Tom Wylie, 17:08
- [RTTY] NAQP query, K4SB, 12:19
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Bill Turner, 12:17
- [RTTY] ANARTS SOAB, Ulrich Stolz, DJ9XB, 12:17
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Don Hill AA5AU, 11:59
- [RTTY] A very good tool, kakak, 10:48
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 10:36
- [RTTY] Can't Print, Bill Turner, 09:51
- [RTTY] NAQP query, Mobile Workshop, 08:59
- [RTTY] Total visitors, edlyn, 04:21
June 11, 2002
- [RTTY] MJ/DF4OR ANARTS MOAB claimed score (long), Ekki Plicht, 22:01
- [RTTY] Can't Print, Bill Hawkins, 21:53
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Bill Turner, 21:51
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, <w9ol@billnjudy.com (FireBrick), 21:43
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Bill Turner, 21:28
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Ekki Plicht, 20:41
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, <w9ol@billnjudy.com (FireBrick), 20:27
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Ekki Plicht, 19:46
- [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Barry , 16:58
- [RTTY] Re: [WriteLog] Multi-port serial boards, llindblom@juno.com, 16:53
- [RTTY] Re: [WriteLog] Multi-port serial boards, llindblom@juno.com, 16:51
- [RTTY] GM4FDM ANARTS, Tom Wylie, 16:37
- [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Jim Johnson, 16:23
- [WriteLog] Re: [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Alan Ames, 16:03
- [RTTY] DL2FAG Anarts SOABLP, <dl2fag@t-online.de (Karl-Heinz Kuehlborn), 15:43
- [RTTY] Re: Multi-port video cards, K4SB, 14:30
- [RTTY] GW4KHQ SOABHP ANARTS, John Woodland, 13:06
- [RTTY] Re: [WriteLog] Multi-port serial boards, Jim Johnson, 13:05
- [RTTY] Re: [WriteLog] Multi-port serial boards, <ronald.stordahl@digikey.com (Ron Stordahl), 11:46
- [RTTY] Re: multiple contests, G. La Parola, IT9BLB, 10:37
- [Fwd: [RTTY] ZL2BR - ANARTS], Vilnis Vosekalns, 09:28
- [RTTY] RE: [WriteLog] Multi-port serial boards, Roger Hackler, 08:18
- [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Jim Johnson, 08:00
- [RTTY] Multi-port serial boards, Barry , 07:45
- [RTTY] MMTTY and Net etc, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 06:25
- [RTTY] Worm Klez.E immunity, kakak, 04:36
- [RTTY] ZL2BR - ANARTS, Frank Hunt, 04:34
- [RTTY] ANARTS - J41YM, Olda Linhart - OK1YM, 04:10
- [RTTY] ZL2BR - ANARTS, Frank Hunt, 01:02
June 10, 2002
- [RTTY] ANARTS Resuolt - W9HLY, Vern, 23:19
- [RTTY] AA5AU WriteLog Website Update, Don Hill AA5AU, 22:25
- [RTTY] New Calls in ANARTS, Don Hill AA5AU, 21:16
- [RTTY] MMTTY and Net etc, Don Hill AA5AU, 19:48
- [RTTY] Re: multiple contests, Jerry Flanders, 16:54
- [RTTY] Re: multiple contests, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 16:30
- [RTTY] ANARTS RTTY SOAB DJ3NG, Siegfried Semba, 16:24
- [RTTY] GU0SUP - SOAB (LP) ANARTS [and part-time!], Jerry Flanders, 15:47
- [RTTY] MMTTY and Net etc, Tom Wylie, 14:27
- [RTTY] GU0SUP - SOAB (LP) ANARTS [and part-time!], <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 13:59
- [RTTY] ANARTS SOABLP HB9AWS, Casper Caduff, 12:43
- [RTTY] DL4RCK Anarts SOABLP, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 11:48
- [RTTY] AP2IA, Ed Magnuson, 09:47
- [RTTY] Undeliverable mail--"by SWG v2.00", postmaster, 08:19
- [RTTY] K4WW SOABHP, Shelby Summerville, 06:44
- [RTTY] NA2M ANARTS SOAB, <vze27322@verizon.net (Bill Hellman), 06:40
- [RTTY] ANARTS AA5AU SO HP, Shelby Summerville, 05:59
- [RTTY] YU7AM SOABLP, Sarkezi Arpad, 05:57
- [RTTY] ANARTS YL2KF SOAB, Vilnis Vosekalns, 04:56
- [RTTY] N2WK ANARTS 2002, Wayne F. King, 04:40
June 09, 2002
- [RTTY] DJ3IW Anarts SOAB HP, Don Hill AA5AU, 23:13
- [RTTY] ANARTS AA5AU SO HP, Don Hill AA5AU, 23:06
- [RTTY] K4GMH ANARTS, Mike, 21:13
- [RTTY] DJ3IW Anarts SOAB HP, DJ3IW Goetz, 19:56
- [RTTY] DJ3IW Anarts SOAB HP, Tom Osborne, 19:21
- [RTTY] A quick idea of ANARTS, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 17:09
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Bill Turner, 10:12
- [RTTY] Epsom Radio Rally, Dirk Desloovere, 04:54
June 08, 2002
- [RTTY] A35RK back on RTTY soon, Kok Chen, 16:28
- [RTTY] HI8/KA3HSW operation, George Henry, 15:56
- [RTTY] WF1B & P233, <David@g4edr.freeserve.co.uk (David Mappin), 14:31
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Barry , 11:51
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Jon Harder, 10:17
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Barry , 09:51
- [RTTY] YI1AGA?, DJ3IW Goetz, 06:07
- [RTTY] SRI wrong QSL route for LU1ZA, Kok Chen, 03:17
- [RTTY] SRI wrong QSL route for LU1ZA, Kok Chen, 03:08
June 07, 2002
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FM, Dick White, 18:00
- [RTTY] Re: BQ9P 2002 DXpedition Announcement, Charles Anderson, 17:09
- [RTTY] Latitude and Longitude ??, John Woodland, 13:36
- [RTTY] FSK with OMNI VI, Bill Hawkins, 11:19
- [RTTY] Latitude Thanks, <g0urr@btopenworld.com (Robert Webb), 09:44
- [RTTY] Latitude and Longitude ??, <g0urr@btopenworld.com (Robert Webb), 04:50
June 06, 2002
- [RTTY] Another New Mode Intrusion, Don Hill AA5AU, 22:43
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Dave W7DPW, 15:21
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Jerry Flanders, 15:06
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Bill Hawkins, 14:51
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN and approval for RTTY QSOs, Patrick STODDARD, 13:24
- [RTTY] P5 + BQ9P, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 13:21
- [RTTY] IOTA and ANARTS, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 13:17
- [RTTY] bq9p, Dave W7DPW, 13:01
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Don Hill AA5AU, 11:34
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Vern, 11:09
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Barry , 10:53
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, ON4AOI, 10:22
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Don Hill AA5AU, 10:04
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, DJ3IW Goetz, 10:03
- [RTTY] 50 Baud, Bill Hawkins, 07:28
June 05, 2002
- [RTTY] 3z0ieq, James Holzbauer, 21:23
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ, Dave W7DPW, 19:18
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ, Don Hill AA5AU, 19:01
- [RTTY] GU0SUP in ANARTS, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 14:33
- [RTTY] Busted call, Dick White, 10:01
- [RTTY] K1B RTTY total, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604, 04:32
- [RTTY] A very new website, elephant_pyton, 03:09
June 04, 2002
- [RTTY] Past and future activities from Western Africa by VE2XO, François Normant, 20:24
- [RTTY] test, Ray, 20:22
- [RTTY] test, Roberto, 17:31
- [RTTY] SOME STATISTICS RTTY TEST 2001, Siegfried Semba, 17:31
- [RTTY] test, Roberto, 17:25
- [RTTY] TimeoutIDs, K4YBB, 15:19
- [RTTY] test, Jerry Flanders, 14:38
- [RTTY] EA RTTY CONTEST 2002 LOGS, Alcolado Antonio, 13:02
- [RTTY] Access Test, Kok Chen, 12:48
- [RTTY] test, don't read, Ray, 12:32
- [RTTY] RTTY from 5V (TOGO), Don Hill AA5AU, 12:29
- [RTTY] Tst, Ray, 12:25
- [RTTY] (no subject), Alcolado Antonio, 11:07
- [RTTY] test, don't read, Alcolado Antonio, 11:03
- [RTTY] For Sale - ST-8000, Ed W4EP, 09:36
- [RTTY] A funny game, simosim, 09:28
- [RTTY] The RWRL Updated with CQ/RJ WW RTTY 2001 results, Waldemar Kebsch, 08:03
- [RTTY] SCC RTTY 2001 - Thanks, Bob Stewart, 06:29
- [RTTY] W32.Klez.E removal tools, sd-user, 04:27
- [RTTY] test, dont read, ea1mv@retemail.es, 03:52
June 03, 2002
- [RTTY] QSL Manager, Dick White, 22:26
- [RTTY] Tst, k7wm, 19:07
- [RTTY] DAYTON 2002, CQ/RJ WW RTTY DX Results, Joe Wittmer, 17:53
- [RTTY] Direct Email Blaster, Email extractor, email downloader, email verify ..........., targetemailextractor@btamail.net.cn, 17:39
- [RTTY] FW: [1000mp] PCT III Not Legal USA? - Sound Card Digital/RittyModes, Kok Chen, 15:34
- [RTTY] test, ea1mv@retemail.es, 09:50
- [RTTY] test, don't read, ea1mv@retemail.es, 07:37
- [RTTY] EA RTTY CONTEST LOGS, Alcolado Antonio, 07:18
- [RTTY] (No Subject), Antonio Alcolado, 06:05
- [RTTY] EA RTTY CONTEST LOGS, ea1mv@retemail.es, 05:26
June 02, 2002
- [RTTY] VOLTA ZL2AMI, Bob Stewart, 23:30
- [RTTY] Access Test, <w1zt@arrl.net (George Johnson), 21:13
- [RTTY] RTTY from 5V (TOGO), <vze27322@verizon.net (Bill Hellman), 21:02
- [RTTY] K1B RTTY total, Barry , 19:53
- [RTTY] Re: RTTY from ZB2 Would BE Greatly Apprieciated., Arsk0jn@aol.com, 12:23
- [RTTY] What's the Problem with RTTY from 4U1UN?, Barry , 07:59
June 01, 2002
- [RTTY] What's the Problem with RTTY from 4U1UN?, Ed Magnuson, 20:10
- [RTTY] P5/4L4FN, DidierBruriaud@aol.com, 17:03
- [RTTY] 5W0 RTTY, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 16:56
- [RTTY] P5 QSL, Dave W7DPW, 15:55
- [RTTY] What's the Problem with RTTY from 4U1UN?, Arsk0jn@aol.com, 14:45
- [RTTY] BARTG RTTY Contest Logs received, John Barber, 11:06