Band QSOs Pts Cty Sec
7 22 178 2 10
14 22 161 1 9
Total 44 339 3 19
Score: 328,152
Rig TS-450SAT 60 watts
Software N1MM and MMTTY (Super combo)
Not many contacts, but am still putting the station together. Was still
putting up antennas on Saturday. Lowered the tower with the 20 meter beam on
it and found the top section was bent. Tried to crank it back up and broke the
cable so it was stuck at 20 feet pointing East, so didn't get to work any Eu.
stations. Put some twinlead on the 80 meter dipole to load it on 20, but still
didn't hear any Eu.
One really neat thing--I was tuning on 40 meters about 0500Z and saw on my
screen, "KRIFJGHHAMI CQ", in the noise. Thought AMI must be ZL2AMI and gave
him a call and lo and behold, it was him, and he heard my peanut whistle.
Thanks for the only DX contact I had.
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