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Re: [RTTY] Waterfall and CQ conundrum

To: Jerry Flanders <jeflanders@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Waterfall and CQ conundrum
From: Phil Sussman <psussman@pactor.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 15:37:20 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Ah, yes, the 'laws' of one way propagation:

One:    The consequence of one-way propagation when working split.
        That's when a multitude of stations call (you know the
        typical up 5-25 -- yep I've seen/heard that one) covering
        existing QSOs and can't (won't) listen up first. Most noticeable
        by hearing many stations (but one loud one in particular) that
        keep yelling "UP" "UP" "UP" on the non-up frequency, thus
        interfering with the original station.

Two:    Calling CQ only to interfere with someone with whom you can't
        hear, so his 'buddies' keep telling you that you're QRMing
        someone, but you don't move either because you don't hear his
        buddies either -or- you were there first and don't QSY.

Three:  You call CQ, but nobody answers, either because they don't
        hear you or you're not the DX they're seeking.

73 ES Happy Holidays !!!

de Phil - N8PS

Quoting Jerry Flanders <jeflanders@comcast.net>:

Can you tell us more about the 'laws' of one-way-propagation, Phil? I have heard of this for many years but have _never_ been able to find any proof of it - only opinions.
Jerry W4UK

At 06:54 AM 3/27/2016, Phil Sussman wrote:
Ian is correct. Technology is a wonderful thing and is a good
supplement. But, it is no substitute for common courtesy.

From another point of view, many listeners might be observing
a waterfall, all at the same time from various locations.
Some might see a 'point' as occupied while others do not. Since
there are no fixed frequencies, adjacent operating points vary.
In addition, the 'laws' of one-way-propagation can apply.

QRL or no QRL. Waterfall or no waterfall, contests have become
for me, a matter of overblown egos and budgets. That's why I
seldom participate and if I do make an exchange I don't submit
a log. I really don't care about making points.

73 de Phil - N8PS

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