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Re: [RTTY] Welcome Back Ray WF1B

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Welcome Back Ray WF1B
From: W4GKM <w4gkm@citlink.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 18:19:27 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Ray that is wonderful news to know that you are returning to RTTY. I used your software as long as I could and was sad when I had to move up to the windows type programs. I met you several times and loved the way the print flowed across the screen. As Phil said "those were the good old days" and it will be a pleasure to see your call sign print across my screen again.......WELCOME BACK RAY!

On 4/11/2017 12:45 PM, Don AA5AU wrote:
I received email yesterday from Ray Ortgiesen, WF1B, letting me know he is back on the air again! 
Anyone involved in RTTY in the 1990's will already be familiar with Ray. For those who don't know 
Ray, he is the father of "modern" computer-based RTTY contesting software. His DOS-based 
"RTTY by WF1B" program was first introduced to the world in the October 1991 edition of 
the RTTY Digital Journal in an article written by Jay, WS7I. Even though Jay and Hal (WA7EGA) had 
been using their own SCOTCHLG RTTY contesting program for years, it was RTTY by WF1B that took the 
RTTY contesting world by storm at the 1972 Dayton HAMVENTION.
For nearly ten years RTTY by WF1B was the choice program of RTTY contesters 
around the world. His program helped launch the wild popularity RTTY and RTTY 
contesting experienced at the start of the 21st century. Many of the features 
we find in WriteLog and N1MM first started in RTTY by WF1B.
In additions to giving us RTTY by WF1B, Ray was also instrumental in the 
creation of the Amateur Data Interchange Format (ADIF) that we all use today. 
Ray is also a top RTTY contester and one of the nicest guys I've ever met.
Please join me in welcoming Ray back. I can't wait to see his call scroll 
across my screen again. We missed you Ray!
73, Don AA5AU

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