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[SD-User] V11.14 Released

To: <>
Subject: [SD-User] V11.14 Released
From: "Paul O'Kane" <>
Reply-to: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 00:20:57 -0000
List-post: <>
V11.14          3rd March 2005

SDC - Commonwealth Contest:
    When you type a call that has been worked already,
    the band display, below the callsign, shows your
    status for this station on all 5 bands.

    It's colour-coded as follows:

      Grey   - already worked on that other band.
      Red    - a dupe on the current band.
      White  - required on that/this band.
               If the band is the current band, the
               QSO will be a bonus if B is displayed
               above the call.
      Yellow - will be a bonus on that other band.

    The yellow bands stand out - you can't miss them.

    The point is that this station will be a bonus on
    those bands, and you can immediately plan to move

    Let's say you work VE4AB on 14026, and SDC shows
    you that you need him for a bonus on 15m.  You
    agree a frequency, say 21067.  Enter 21067 in the
    callsign field, and SDC QSYs the rig.  Enter "
    (quotes) to repeat and fill the callsign field
    with VE4AB, complete your QSO and press F10 twice
    to return to your run frequency - 14026.

    This is easier and faster to do than to describe!

SD - ARRL DX Contest for both W/VE and DX.
    The band display (6 bands) is now colour-coded as
    described for SDC.

The programs are freeware from  Please
keep a copy of whatever version(s) you're using now - as

NOTE:  SDC is not available for download from the website.
Email me if you want to know why.

Anyone who wants SDC V11.14 should request it directly
by email.

Paul EI5DI

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