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Re: [SD-User] Trouble with rig control

To: "'Martyn Johnson'" <>,<>
Subject: Re: [SD-User] Trouble with rig control
From: "G3ZSU" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 22:21:42 -0000
List-post: <>

I don't know the answer.  My FT-1000MP runs fine.  I suspect it may be to do
with the scanning, interrogation or refresh rates.  I've looked briefly
through the files that Paul has created in SD but can't immediately see an
issue.  You'll probably need to use the User Manual which Yaesu do give a
fair description of the code in, to see how this maps to Pauls' profiles.

I remember having to change the refresh rate when I set up YPLog some years

Probably not much help, but good luck.



-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Martyn Johnson
Sent: 25 March 2005 09:46
Subject: [SD-User] Trouble with rig control

I have just tried SD (version V11.14) for the first time, and am having
trouble with rig control.

I have an FT817. There is no FT817.SD file, but I have convinced myself that
the FT897 commands are sufficiently compatible. I have checked the commands
in the FT897.SD file against the FT817 manual, and I think they should work.

The effect I get when I set it up is that the received frequency is tracked
correctly in yellow at the bottom of the SD screen, and seems to be shown
correctly if I produce a Cabrillo log. However the current BAND does not
follow when I change frequency.

The only exception to this seems to be that if I select the 17m band on the
way from 20m to 15m, the band selection in SD changes to 160m.  
But there it stays.

The manual commands for selecting bands seem to work.

Does anyone have any clues to what I might have done wrong?  Is there
something I've missed to link up the frequency display and the band

Martyn M1MAJ

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