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[SD-User] EU Sprint - SSB

Subject: [SD-User] EU Sprint - SSB
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 16:34:28 +0100
List-post: <">>
The EU Sprint takes place from 16:00 to 19:59 UTC on
Saturday 21st April.  It is SO SSB-only, on 80, 40 & 20m,
with HP and LP (100w) categories.

Rules at
Note the QSY rule.

SD V15.60 supports the Sprint -

      Select the "EU Sprint" template.
      Enter the Mode as SSB, and your Name for the exchange.

EU entrants:  Work everyone on 80, 40 & 20m.
DX entrants:  Work EU only.

Exchange Serial & Name & both callsigns. There are no mults.

If you load a .LST callsign/name file with the LOAD command,
SD autofills the Name on a callsign match.  If the name has
changed, overtype with the correct name.

If there is no match on callsign, it's faster to enter the
Serial and Name as a single field - with no spaces.  For
example:  SD logs "2FRED" as "002 FRED".

The Sprint has a recommended format for exchanges.  For
example, you must give both callsigns as part of each
exchange - however the position of your own callsign
lets listeners know whether you will QSY or stay on the
frequency after the QSO.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file - send it
to  Please mention SD in your soapbox

Paul EI5DI

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