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[Fwd: Re: [TenTec] ARRL proposal]

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [TenTec] ARRL proposal]
From: MCHOATE@postoffice.worldnet.att.net (Mark Choate)
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 05:53:37 -0500

tom wrote:

> i view cw as a novelty only with only marginal emergency
> use in this day and age.to start spouting the demise of ten tec...not to
> mention amateur radio,because of modifications to the exams,(cw)is
> ludicrous!!because one chooses NOT to use cw does not make him or her
> any less an amateur operator!
> it's about time that the amateur community got their act together,and
> stop all the bitchin' about cw requirements.radio is radio...lets enjoy
> it for what it is!!i know an individual who passed his 20wpm and got his
> extra,only to go back to 11mtrs.because of the bickering on hf!!!
> live and let live....we will survive......with u,or without u...!!!
>                                            tom sweeney ke3rx@erols.com

Dear Tom and all the other TenTecees out there.

First off I respect everyone opinion on whatever the issue is but I believe that
you Tom have mis-understood a key point in this code/no-code issue.
you said
    "because one chooses NOT to use cw does not make him or her
any less an amateur operator!"

the key word here has to be chooses not to use. Point being, at least the
individual put out the effort to learn it in the first place. Nobody values
anything that is just given to them.
You are correct, Ham radio will survive, but what kind of exsistance?

This proposal can only be called dumbing down requirements at best. I fail to
see what good it will do for Amateur Radio. If someone does, please point it out
to me....politely please.

There are several modes and bands in Amateur Radio, HF, VHF UHF and OFF.
73 Mark
*  Mark Choate 1208 Arbor Lane. Pacific, MO. 63069-1205  *
*  Amateur Radio callsign is AA0YY "FISTS" nr 2948       *
*  Long live CW (morse code) !!!!!!!!!!                  *

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