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[TenTec] Found in the Dayton Fleamarket...

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Found in the Dayton Fleamarket...
From: Bill_Ames@hyperion.com (Bill_Ames@hyperion.com)
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 13:18:40 -0400

The seller is the person responsible for the sale. If they have an item and are
offered a fair price (and prefer to not wait to sell the item) then they should
have no constraints on selling. I have been in all three positions, a seller,
buying as a seller and just a shopper, and I have at time s sold early and at
times declined to do so. I have priced items higher because I did not appreciate
the attitude of a buyer and have almost give things away to those who seemed to
be in need of something but were short of cash. I have had both of these happen
to me. Since anyone can pay for a spot they ALL have equal access to the
fleamarket at the time they choose. (IMHO)

My one complaint is that there is too much junk and not enough ham stuff at
todays flea markets. Not like the good ol days (1970-80)

Bill Ames


"Paul R. Valko" <prvalko@oakland.edu> on 05/17/99 01:06:22 PM

To:   w8au@sssnet.com
cc:   tentec@contesting.com (bcc: Bill Ames)
Subject:  Re: [TenTec] Found in the Dayton Fleamarket...

On Mon, 17 May 1999 w8au@sssnet.com wrote:

> You know the answer to this one.  He had an "unfair advantage" because his
> ticket was marked "FLEAMARKET."  He bought a space and therefore gets to
> "deal" long before us common folk.
> This is no secret.... it's been done for many years.  That's life...

Ah!  But, unlike many, I have some ethics and did not buy a thing until
after the official opening which was supposed to be 8am.  Unfortunately, I
had no idea that the fire marshall was on some ego-trip and held up the
gates until about 8:20!  Actually, I was told that he thought there were
too many vendors still driving vehicles in the fleamarket.  I'm not sure
why he then held up the opening of the main halls until 10:15 or so.

I know the feeling you express, though.  Nobody is supposed to sell
anything until Thursday.  A couple weeks ago I told the QRP-L that there
would be a vendor selling those Weller soldering stations for $25.  That
vendor "sold" ALL of those stations on Thursday to other flea-market
sellers, who resold them on Friday for $39!  I saw a TON of them.

It was incredibly fortunate for me to even have slowed down to peek into
that guy's car.  Had there been a couple people standing in front of it, I
would have merrily waltzed past, and one of you other guys (probably
Steve, because he's the only other person that would have known what the
Model 200 was) would be crowing about it.

73! =paul= W8KC
Collector of Ten*Tecs and other fine plastics

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