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[TenTec] Pegasus revisited

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus revisited
From: rthorne@tcac.net (Richard Thorne)
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 15:01:50 -0500
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Steve:

I think you have a valid point.  It would be nice if all the activity
stayed in single window.  But then again I'm not a programmer, so I'm
ignorant to the practicality of such a set up.

I would like to be able to tune the rig while also logging a station
without having to jump between windows.

Steve Baron wrote:

>  Maybe part of the 'problem' is the use of things like sub-windows.
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Richard Thorne <rthorne@tcac.net>
>      To: Steve Baron <stevebaron@starlinx.com>
>      Cc: Edmonds, J.B. <jedmonds.dit@state.va.us>;
>      tentec@contesting.com <tentec@contesting.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
>      Date: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 5:39 PM
>      Subject: Re: [TenTec] Pegasus revisitedsnip:
>     > >the price and quite honestly the RIGHT price as far as
>     > I'm concerned.  I'm
>     > >ready to buy as soon as one question is answered.  "HOW
>     > EASY WILL IT
>     > >INTERFACE WITH CONTESTING SOFTWARE???" and what will the
>     > interface be?
>     > Will
>     > >it be software only or will it need as second serial port
>     > for control from
>     > >other software?   The picture is very muddy right now.
>     > Be the first on
>     > your
>     > >block and tel me how to get it working with TR or CT.
>     > >
>     > >J.B.
>     > >N4NQY
>     >
>      snip:
>      Very good question.  I've been running the Kachina 505dsp
>      for over a year now.  Nice rig.  But I don't use it for
>      serious contesting since it won't communicate with the
>      popular contesting software.
>      To help muddy/un-muddy the waters heres how it will work (in
>      my humble opinion).
>      Either the rig software or contest software will have to
>      incorporate the other software.  For example I currently use
>      Writelog ( I also have NA and CT but I like the Writelog
>      since its a windows program).  Writelog needs to have its
>      own sub-window which controls the 505dsp and bypasses the
>      505dsp software.  Matter of fact, the 505dsp supplied
>      software would not even be used.  Or, Kachina, needs to
>      incorporate Writelog into they're control software as
>      another window.
>      The main reason for the above is that only one application
>      (that I'm aware of anyways) can use a comport.
>      So bottom line, the two pieces of software need to become
>      one.  Does that make sense?
>      I know Kachina and Writelog are talking.  I'm hoping to get
>      more info when I go to HamCom this weekend.  Its only a
>      matter of time before this gets done.
>      And I'm really looking forward to the finished product.
>      Think about running two Kachina's or Pegasus's for two radio
>      contesting.  Everything would be on one screen directly in
>      front of you while the rigs, amps are to the side
>      somewhere.  A few mouse clicks and your cq'ing on one rig
>      and s/p'ing on the other.
>      On another note, I'm very pro software controlled rigs.
>      I've been forced into so I can operate hf. I was a bit
>      reluctant at first (you know no knobs to twist etc), but
>      once you get used to using the mouse and keyboard its not
>      bad at all.  I've been using the Kachina via remote control
>      for several months, and the only way to do it is via
>      software.  Check out my web site below for pictures of the
>      station.
>      --
>      73,
>      Richard Thorne - N5ZC (EX. KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
>      Amarillo, TX
>      Check out my REMOTED CONTROLLED station at:
>      http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/


Richard Thorne - N5ZC (EX. KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
Amarillo, TX

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Steve:

<P>I think you have a valid point.&nbsp; It would be nice if all the activity
stayed in single window.&nbsp; But then again I'm not a programmer, so
I'm ignorant to the practicality of such a set up.

<P>I would like to be able to tune the rig while also logging a station
without having to jump between windows.

<P>Steve Baron wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>Maybe part
of the 'problem' is the use of things like sub-windows.</FONT></FONT>&nbsp;
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 
5px"><B><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=-1>-----Original
<BR><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>From: </B>Richard Thorne &lt;<A 
<BR><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>To: </B>Steve Baron &lt;<A 
<BR><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Cc: </B>Edmonds, J.B. &lt;<A 
<A HREF="mailto:tentec@contesting.com";>tentec@contesting.com</A> &lt;<A 
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
<BR><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Date: </B>Tuesday, June 08, 1999
5:39 PM</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT FACE="Arial"><FONT SIZE=-1><B>Subject: </B>Re: [TenTec] Pegasus
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE = CITE>>the price and quite honestly the RIGHT price as
far as I'm concerned.&nbsp; I'm
<BR>>ready to buy as soon as one question is answered.&nbsp; "HOW EASY
<BR>>INTERFACE WITH CONTESTING SOFTWARE???" and what will the interface
<BR>>it be software only or will it need as second serial port for control
<BR>>other software?&nbsp;&nbsp; The picture is very muddy right now.&nbsp;
Be the first on
<BR>>block and tel me how to get it working with TR or CT.

<P>Very good question.&nbsp; I've been running the Kachina 505dsp for over
a year now.&nbsp; Nice rig.&nbsp; But I don't use it for serious contesting
since it won't communicate with the popular contesting software.

<P>To help muddy/un-muddy the waters heres how it will work (in my humble

<P>Either the rig software or contest software will have to incorporate
the other software.&nbsp; For example I currently use Writelog ( I also
have NA and CT but I like the Writelog since its a windows program).&nbsp;
Writelog needs to have its own sub-window which controls the 505dsp and
bypasses the 505dsp software.&nbsp; Matter of fact, the 505dsp supplied
software would not even be used.&nbsp; Or, Kachina, needs to incorporate
Writelog into they're control software as another window.

<P>The main reason for the above is that only one application (that I'm
aware of anyways) can use a comport.

<P>So bottom line, the two pieces of software need to become one.&nbsp;
Does that make sense?

<P>I know Kachina and Writelog are talking.&nbsp; I'm hoping to get more
info when I go to HamCom this weekend.&nbsp; Its only a matter of time
before this gets done.

<P>And I'm really looking forward to the finished product.&nbsp; Think
about running two Kachina's or Pegasus's for two radio contesting.&nbsp;
Everything would be on one screen directly in front of you while the rigs,
amps are to the side somewhere.&nbsp; A few mouse clicks and your cq'ing
on one rig and s/p'ing on the other.

<P>On another note, I'm very pro software controlled rigs.&nbsp; I've been
forced into so I can operate hf. I was a bit reluctant at first (you know
no knobs to twist etc), but once you get used to using the mouse and keyboard
its not bad at all.&nbsp; I've been using the Kachina via remote control
for several months, and the only way to do it is via software.&nbsp; Check
out my web site below for pictures of the station.


<P>Richard Thorne - N5ZC (EX. KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
<BR>Amarillo, TX
<BR>Check out my REMOTED CONTROLLED station at:
<BR><A HREF="http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/";>http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/</A>


<P>Richard Thorne - N5ZC (EX. KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
<BR>Amarillo, TX
<BR><A HREF="http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/";>http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/</A>


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