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[TenTec] handkey pins still accepting orders

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] handkey pins still accepting orders
From: n3byy@yahoo.com (Scott Howell)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 16:07:31 -0400
I am making another call for handkey orders.

The response has been very good and so I thought I would extend
the opportunity again.

Please note that as more pins are ordered, the
price drops quite a bit as you will see this reflected below.

A few points. .

I previously stated there would be a minimum of 50 pieces of one type or
another to make that piece available. i.e. 50 lapel pins 50 tie tacs etc.
However, the vendor has agreed to drop this requirement. So yes earrings are
available. Any piece can be had now in fact with no minimum order required.

Also, please note I'm waiting on a price for earrings. DOn't exspect these
to be that expensive. These will be of the hoop variety.

Please note that per the prices below, add $1.25 for shipping and
mailer expenses. DX orders will be handled on an individual basis.
Please contact me at n3byy@yahoo.com for DX quotes.

If you have already gotten on the list, you will shortly receive an
msg from me to confirm your order and give you instructions as to
where to mail your funds and I'll need your address.

If you have not gotten on the list and would like to due so, please
send me an E-mail with your order, name, and address. I'll confirm
your order and provide instructions as mentioned above.

At any time, you may send E-mail to n3byy@yahoo.com if you have
any questions.

One final comment on mailing. If you order more than 10, I may box
these and the postage will likely cost a little more. Please let me
know if you have a preference in shipping method. All orders will go
regular mail otherwise.

Photo Etched w/Epoxy        Gold Plating

500 @ $.635           300 @ $.889               200 $1.30 100 @ $2.16

with Butterfly Clutch Backing = this is the type of fastener you
     squeeze both sides together. Note this arrangement has an
     stud to keep the pin from spinning around.

 Safety Pin Backing = like you'd see on most badges

Tie Tack Backing add $.22 each extra = its a typical tie tac backing
that has a circular piece with a ball with a dimple to hold on to on the
back side.
You push the pin into this and to release you must hold ball and pull the
piece forward to remove from the tie.

Tee Bar Backing add $.55 each extra = alligator type clip clasp

Tie Tack with Chain Backing add $.26 each extra =  same as tie
tac, but has a chain which has a small rod shaped piece on the
end that fits through a button hole to secure tie.

Please note that we are now up to 200 pieces so the $1.30 price is in
affect. I hope to get a min of 300 orders.
Incase you missed all the prior msgs on this matter, I make nothing on the
deal. I am doing this only because I wanted one and couldn't have it without
such a project.

tnx es 73 de Scott/n3byy
Laurel MD
Fists #5030 . Qrp-l #1689
for immediate response, send mail to n3byy@amsat.org

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